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2018/9/11 15:03:00




据悉,“亚洲电视剧研讨会” 由韩国文化产业交流财团主办,中日韩三国文化机构、编剧协会等协办,是亚洲国家最顶级的制作人、编剧汇聚的大会,目前已经成功举办十届,今年首度向十年来为亚洲电视剧作出卓越贡献的个人颁发特别贡献奖。同期获得该奖项的还有韩国演员池城、导演柳哲容,日本演员笛木优子、导演市川森一等。


以下视频中有胡歌英文演讲只有几秒,不过已经帅爆啦!等英文演讲全程视频出来后,小编会及时奉上哟,大家先过过瘾吧。I would like to express my sincere appreciation to ATDC for the recognition and....”大爱胡歌,真的是太帅太帅了!


相关内容:Ji Sung and Hu Ge Win Special Awards at the 10th Annual Asian TV Drama Conference


Theres finally an awards commendation that I can get onboard with, its not much but better than nothing. The 10th Annual Asian TV Drama Conference kicks off in Kyushu, Japan next month on November 4th, not an awards show but a gathering of industry big wigs to assess and plan the future of Asian dramas. Its clearly not limited to K-dramas, but the consensus big three regions are Korean, Japan, and China, with the latter making huge strides in the last few years in quality and breadth.


My favorite drama this years from any country is far and away the period C-drama Nirvana in Fire (Lang Ya Bang), a work of art and intellect blended into masterpiece theater. And my second favorite this year was Kill Me, Heal Me from Korea, a drama that by all accounts shouldnt have worked and instead worked for me in every way. Thats why hearing the news that Ji Sung and Hu Ge are being given an award at the conference fills me with glee Mei Chang Su (i.e. Lin Su) and Cha Do Hyun being recognized is like balm for my drama loving heart.


The Asian TV Drama Conference plans to give an award to two individuals from each of the major drama producing countries for their contribution to the development of drama excellence. From Korea the winners are PD Kim Ji Man who directed Kill Me, Heal Me, and the leading man from said drama Ji Sung. Hu Ge, who hit a triple homerun this year with three hit dramas in Nirvana in Fire, Disguiser, and Good Times, will get awards for his great drama acting, and also being acknowledged is director Xia Xiao Ju who directed Hu Ge in Good Times.


Asian TV Drama Conference 亚洲电视剧会议

commendation n. 推荐;赞扬;奖状

kicks off 开始,揭开序幕

consensus n. 一致;舆论;合意

Nirvana in Fire (Lang Ya Bang) 《琅琊榜》

Nirvana n. 涅槃;天堂。涅槃,佛教用语,意义是指清凉寂静,恼烦不现,众苦永寂;具有不生不灭、不垢不净、不增不减,远离一异、生灭、常断、俱不俱等等的中道体性意义;也即成佛,指经过几年或则几十年的修养,调理自己的思想,断除大脑里面不好的思想、程序、情感,最终达到没有烦恼,超脱生死的境界,也就是无所得,无执着,随缘而不变的圆满境界。

in Fire 在火之中,英文有大难之意




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