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2018/8/15 9:52:00



(be)qualfied, up to grade        合格
abnormal engine noise diagnosis equipment        异响诊断仪
abnormal handling        异常处理
abnormal knocking        异响
abrasion wear; scratching        磨损
abrasive belt grinding machine        砂带磨床
abrasive belt gringding        砂带磨削
abscissa        横坐标
absolute dimensional factor        绝对尺寸系数
absolute motion        绝对运动
absolute velocity        绝对速度
AC arc welding machine        交流弧焊机
accelerated run        赶点
acceleration        加速度
acceleration analysis        加速度分析
acceleration diagram        加速度曲线
accidental defect        事故性缺陷
acetate fiber plastics        醋酸纤维塑料
acetylene        乙炔
acetylene cylinder        乙炔罐
acetylene generator        乙炔发生器
acetylene-welding installation        乙炔氧焊装置
acid dip tank        浸酸槽
acid refined oil        酸性精炼油
acidity        酸度
acid-prrof coating        耐酸涂料
acknowledged rule of technology        公认的技术规则
acme thread form        梯形螺纹
acrylonitrile-butadiene- styrene polymer        ABS 共聚体
active plate        活动板
actual line of action        实际啮合线
actuating cable        控制电缆
add lubricating oil        加润滑油
addendum        齿顶高
addendum circle        齿顶圆
addition to standard        标准补充件
additional element        附加要素
additon agent        添加剂
adhesion        粘附
adjustable speed motors        调速电动机
adjusting        调整
administration/general affairs dept        总务部
administration/general affairs dept        总务部
admisinstrative regulation for adopting internatinal standards        采用国际标准管理办法
admisistration of vehicle amintenance        汽车维修管理
admisistrative standard        管理标准
adopting by equation        等同采用
adopting by equivalent        等效采用
adopting by reference        参照采用
adoption of international standard and advanced oversea standard        采用国际标准和国外先进标准
advance-to return-time ratio        急回系数
advance-to return-time ratio        行程速比系数
advisory service of standard information        标准情报咨询服务
after dripping        (柴油喷射系)渗漏滴油
ageing        老化
ageing        时效
aims of standardization        标准化的目的
air circuit breaker        空气断路器
air dry        自然干燥
air jarring moulding machine        气动震实造型机
air pipe        气管
air seal        气幕
air spray gun        空气喷枪
air spring        空气弹簧
air terminal        航空集散站
air tool        风动工具
air-conditioning equipment        车厢空调设备
air-cushion eject-rod        气垫顶杆
airless spray equipment        无空气喷涂设备
alcohol        乙醇
alcohol container        沾湿台
alcohols solvent        醇类溶剂
aligning        校正
alkalidipping        脱脂
alkali-earth babbitt        碱土巴氏合金
alkaline degreasing        碱法脱脂
alkaline etch        龄咬
allowable amount of unbalance        许用不平衡量
allowable pressure angle        许用压力角
allowable stress; permissible stress        许用应力
alloy cast iron        合金铸铁
alloy structureal steel        合金结构钢
alloy tool steel        合金工具钢
alternation switch        转换开关
alumel        铝镍合金
aluminied steel sheet        渗铝钢板
aluminium bronze        铝青铜
aluminium casting alloy        铸造铝合金
aluminizing        渗铝
aluminum powder paint        铝粉漆(银色漆)
amended draft        修正草案
amendment to standard        标准修改件
amino plastics        氨基塑料
amino-filler        氨基腻子
amount of unbalance        不平衡量
amplitude of vibration        振幅
analog-mode device        类模器
analysis of mechanism        机构分析
analytical design        解析设计
analytical method        分析法
angle of contact        包角
angular acceleration        角加速度
angular contact ball bearing        角接触球轴承
angular contact bearing        角接触轴承
angular contact radial bearing        角接触向心轴承
angular contact thrust bearing        角接触推力轴承
angular velocity        角速度
angular velocity ratio        角速比
anion electrophoretic coating        阴离子型电泳涂料
anneal        退火
annealing        退火
annealing box        退火箱
annealing furnace        退火炉
annealing oven        退火炉
annex        附录
annular ball baring        径向球轴承
annular spring        环形弹簧
anode mechanical working        阳极机械加工
Anodize        阳性处理
anolyte        阳极电解液
anticorrosive bimetal        耐蚀双金属
anticorrosive paint        防蚀漆
anti-foaming additive        防泡沫添加剂
antifoaming agent        消泡剂
antifouling paint(copper paint)        防污漆
anti-freeze additive        防冻添加剂
antifriction alloy        减摩合金
antifriction alloy        减摩合金
antifriction bearng        减摩轴承
anti-friction quality        减摩性
anti-knock compound        抗爆剂
antirust paint        防锈漆
anti-tarnish treatment        抗暗处理
aperiodic speed fluctuation        非周期性速度波动
appended description of standard        标准附加说明
application factor        工况系数
applied force        作用力
approved by        核准
approved by / checked by / prepared by        核准/审核/承办
aqua regia        王水
arc welding machine        电弧焊机
Archimedes worm        阿基米德蜗杆
archives of standardization        标准化档案
Arctan        反正切
argon arc welding        氩弧焊
argon welding        氩焊
arm        臂部
armature tester        电枢试验器
artery        干线
articulated bus        通道式公共汽车
articulated equipment        铰接装置
articulated trolly bus        通道式无轨电车
artificial drying        人工干燥
artificial gasoline        人造汽油
artificial leather        人造胶革
artificial resin        人造树胶
artificial wool        人造羊毛
asbestos        石棉
asbestos band        石棉带
asbestos board        石棉板
asbestos fiber        石棉纤维
asbestos linen        石棉布
asbestos paper        石棉纸
asbestos steel leaf        石棉钢片
asbestos web        石棉织物
as-deposited strength        焊后强度
aseptic        防腐剂
assembling clearance        装配间隙
assembly        组装
assembly condition        装配条件
Assembly line        组装线
Assembly line        组装线
assistant manager        助理
assistant manager        助理
Assur group        杆组
as-welded        焊态
atlas        图册、图谱
atomosphere quality standard        大气质量标准
attendant seat        乘务员座椅
augular offset        角度偏差
ausforming        形变热处理
austenite        奥氏体
authority        权力机构
autoclino        自动壳型机
automatic box splitter        自动分箱机
automatic closer        自动合箱机
automatic compensating device for boring cutter wear        镗刀磨损自动补偿装置
automatic gas cutting        自动气割
automatic headstock changing N/C machine        自动更换主轴箱数控机床
automatic inspection machine for piston ring tension        活塞环弹性自动检验机
automatic instruction calling device        自动指令呼叫装置
automatic line for weighting connecting rod        连杆称重去重自动线
automatic moulding productio line ofr cylinder block        缸体自动造型生产线
automatic multi-stage cold fromer        多工位自动冷镦机
automatic plating machine        自动电镀装置
automatic production line for automobile final drive housing        汽车主减速器壳加工自动线
automatic production line for connecting rod        连杆加工自动线
automatic production line for cranshaft dynamic balance        曲轴动平衡自动线
automatic production line for cylinder block        气缸体加工自动线
automatic production line for cylinder head        气缸盖加工自动线
automatic production line for gas carburization        气体渗碳自动线
automatic screwdriver        电动启子
automatic screwdriver        电动启子
automatic sprayer        自动喷漆机
automatic ticket checker        自动检票机
automatic tool changing N/C machine        自动换刀数控机床
automatic welding        自动焊接
automation        自动化
automation        自动化
automobile transportation enterprise        汽车运输企业
automotive alcquer        汽车用喷漆
automotive enamel        汽车漆
automotive topcoat        汽车面漆
auxiliary fuction        辅助功能
available material        良品可使用
average days during major repair of vehicles        汽车大修平均在修车日
average days in plant during major of vehicles        汽车大修平均在厂车日
average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles        汽车大修间隔里程
average main-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair        汽车维修平均工时
average stress        平均应力
average tonnage (passenger seat)        平均吨(客)位
average velocity        平均速度
avional        铝合金
axial contact bearing        轴向接触轴承
axial direction        轴向
axial internal clearance        轴向游隙
axial load        轴向载荷
axial load factor        轴向载荷系数
axial plane        轴向平面
axial thrust load        轴向分力
axial tooth profile        轴向齿廓
axle stand        轮轴架
babbit metal        巴氏合金
back cone        背锥
back cone angle        背锥角
back cone distance        背锥距
back fire        回火
back flow        回流
backlash        侧隙
backlash        齿侧间隙
backlash        间隙
back-to-back arrangement        背对背安装
bad condition of vehicle        汽车不良状况
baffle plate        挡块
bainite        贝氏体
bakelite        胶木(电木)
baking paint        烘漆
balance        平衡
balance of machinery        机械平衡
balance of mechanism        机构平衡
balance of rotor        转子平衡
balance of rotors        回转体平衡
balance of shaking force        惯性力平衡
balancing centering machine        平衡-钻中心孔机床
balancing machine        平衡机
balancing mass        平衡质量
balancing quality        平衡品质
balancing speed        平衡转速
balata        巴拉塔树胶
balata spring        橡胶弹簧
ball        球
ball bearing        球轴承
ball bearing        球轴承
ball screw        滚珠丝杆
band brake        带式制动器
band-aid        创可贴
bar stock cutting by punching        冲压下料
barcode        条码
barcode        条码
barcode        条码
barcode scanner        条码扫描器
barcode scanner        条码扫描器
barrel (cylindric) cam        圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构
barrel plating        滚镀
bar-type cylinder gauge        杆式气缸量规
base circle        基圆
base cone        基圆锥
base cylinder        基圆柱
base pitch        基圆齿距
basic dynamic axial load rating        轴向基本额定动载荷
basic dynamic radial load rating        径向基本额定动载荷
basic international standard        基础国际标准
basic rating life        基本额定寿命
basic standard        基础标准
basic static axial load rating        轴向基本额定静载荷
basic static radial load tating        径向基本额定静载荷
basic terms        基本术语
basket        蝴蝶竺
batch furnace        分批炉
battery hydrometer        蓄电池液体比累计
battery welder        蓄电池式焊机
be put in storage        入库
be put in storage        入库
beacon        警示灯
bead        焊道
bead cracking        焊道裂纹
bead welding        堆焊
beading stress        弯曲应力
bearing        轴承
bearing alloy        轴承合金
bearing alloy        轴承合金
bearing block        轴承座
bearing bore diameter        轴承内径
bearing bush        轴瓦、轴承衬
bearing cap        轴承盖
bearing capacity        承载能力
bearing capacity factor        承载量系数
bearing clearance        轴承间隙
bearing cone        轴承内圈
bearing cup        轴承盖
bearing cup        轴承外圈
bearing height        轴承高度
bearing life        轴承寿命
bearing metal        轴承合金
bearing outside diameter        轴承外径
bearing race        轴承座圈
bearing ring        轴承套圈
bearing saddle        轴承座
bearing score        拉瓦
bearing shell        轴瓦
bearing shim        轴承垫片
bearing steel        轴承钢
bearing width        轴承宽度
beeswax        蜂蜡
behind schedule        晚点
belleville spring        碟形弹簧
belt driving        带传动
belt pulley        带轮
bender        弯曲机
bending die        压弯模
bending moment        弯矩
bending press        压弯机
bending-beading die        压弯压筋模
bending-curling die        压弯卷圆模
bending-flanging die        压弯翻边模
beryllium bronze        铍青铜
bevel gear        锥齿轮
bevel gears        圆锥齿轮机构
bevel pulley; bevel wheel        锥轮
bezel        斜视规
bezel panel        面板
bezel panel        面板
bibliography        文献书目
bilaterally harmonized standard        双边协调标准
biliographical reference        书目参考目录
bimetal strip from tin-aluminium alloy        高锡铝合金双金属带
binder        粘合剂
bisector        平分线
bituminous paint        沥青漆
black box        黑箱
black washer        黑皮垫圈
blacksmith welding        锻焊
blank        齿轮轮坯
blank        轮坯
blank        制坯
blanker        落料机
blanking        穿落模
blanking die        落料模
blanking-coining die        落料压印模
blanking-slotting die        落料切槽模
blend solvent        溶合溶剂
blinster        气泡
block diagram        框图
block hammer        落锤
blow-by        串气
blow-by meter        曲轴箱窜气量测定仪
blower        鼓风机
blueing        发蓝处理
blush        导色
board        看板
body bumping tool        车身修整工具
body guidance mechanism        刚体导引机构
body of a normative document        一个标准文件的主体
bold line        粗线
bolt        螺栓
bolt        螺栓
bolt        螺栓
bolts        螺栓
bone gum        骨胶
booth        喷漆室
boring        镗
boring        镗削
boring hole        镗孔
boron steel        硼钢
boronizing        渗硼
bottom clearance        顶隙
bottom die(counter die)        下模
boundary dimension        外形尺寸
box furnace(muffle furnace)        马弗炉
box molding machine        有箱造型机
boxing        环焊
bracket        小磁导
brake        制动器
brake bleeder        制动系空气排除器
brake depresor        制动踏板压下器
brake drum lathe        制动鼓车床
brake fade        制动失效
brake flusher        制动液自动更换装置
brake shoe grinder        制动蹄片磨削装置
branch        支线
branch line        岔线
brass        黄铜
brazing by flame        火焰钎焊
breakdown        断裂
bridge type baking oven        桥式烘干室
bright coating        光亮镀层
bright washer        光垫圈
brightener        光亮剂
brittleness        脆性
broaching        拉削
broaching gear        拉齿
bronze        青铜
bulk goods        散装货物
burn rubber        轮胎烧耗
burning        烧伤
burnishing        磨光(抛光0
burnishing        抛光
burr(金属)毛边        flash(塑件)毛边
bus bay        港湾式车站
bus priority sytem        公共汽车
bus priority sytem        公共汽车优先通行系统
bus shelter        候车亭
bushing block        衬套
business law and regulation        企业法规
butt resistance welding        电阻对焊
butt seam welding        滚对焊
butt welding        对接焊
buttress thread form        锯齿形螺纹
buzzle        蜂鸣器
buzzle        蜂鸣器
cabin        客舱
cable bracket        电缆托架
cadmium bronze        镉青铜
cage        保持架
calcium carbide        电石
calculated bending moment        计算弯矩
cam        凸轮
cam , cam mechanism        凸轮机构
cam block        滑块
cam driver        铡楔
cam profile        实际廓线
cam profile        凸轮廓线
cam with oscillating follower        摆动从动件凸轮机构
camber gauge        外倾测量器
camphor        樟脑
camsahft coping lathe        凸轮轴仿形车床
camshaft grinding machine        凸轮轴磨床
camshaft polishing machine        凸轮轴超精磨机床
camshaft polishing machine        凸轮轴抛光机床
camshaft(journal )turning lathe        凸轮轴(轴颈)车床
cantilever beam        悬臂梁
cantilever structure        悬臂结构
capability        能力
car row        车列
car stand (jack stand)        汽车架
carbide to water generator        投入式乙发生器
carbon arc welding        碳弧焊
carbon electrode        碳极
carbon fouling        (火花塞)积碳
carbon structureal steel        普通碳素结构钢
carbon tool steel        碳素工具钢
carbon-fiber reinforced plastics        碳纤维增强塑料
carbonitriding (cyaniding)        碳氮共渗(氰化)
carbonization        碳化
carburetor icing        化油器结冰
carburizing        渗碳
carburizing alloy steel        渗碳合金钢
carburizing carbon steel        渗碳碳素钢
carburizing furnace        渗碳炉
card of goods        货卡
carriage        车厢
Cartesian coordinate manipulator        直角坐标操作器
carton        纸箱
carton        纸箱
carton box        纸箱
cascade speed control        串级调速
case-based design,CBD        基于实例设计
cash fare        普通票
casing head gasoline        气体汽油
cast bronze        锻造青铜
cast iron        铸铁
cast steel        铸钢
catalog        目录
cathode shiedl        阴极罩
catholyte        阴极电解液
cating machine        浇注机
cation electrophoretic coating        阳离子型电泳涂料
cause analysis        原因分析
cause description        原因说明
cavitation        穴蚀
cellophane        赛璐酚
celluloid        赛璐珞
cellulose acetate        醋酸纤维(脂)
cement gum        胶泥
cementite        渗碳体
center distance        中心距
center distance change        中心距变动
center of mass        质心
center of pressure        压力中心
centerless grinding        无心磨削
central gear        中心轮
centralized transportation        集中运输
centrifugal force        离心力
centrifugal force        向心力
centrifugal seal        离心密封
centrifugal stress        离心应力
cetane number        十六烷值
chain        链
chain        链条
chain        链条槽
chain dotted line        点划线
chain gearing        链传动装置
chamfer        倒角
chamois        麂皮
change gear change wheel        变速齿轮
character die        字模
characteristics        特性
chartered vehicle        包车
chassis        底座
chassis        基座
chassis        基座
chassis dynamometer        底盘测功机
chassis lubricator        底盘润滑机
check nut        锁紧螺母
checked by        初审
check-up        技术检查
chemical -heat treatment        化学热处理
chemical mechanical working        化学机械加工
chemical vaporous depositon        化学气相沉积法
chemical wear        化学磨损
chilled cast rion        冷激铸铁
chloroprene rubber        氯丁橡胶
Chromate        铬酸处理
chrome bronze        铬青铜
chromel        铬镍合金
chuck for grinding hole and end face of bevel gear        磨圆锥齿轮孔和端面用的卡盘
circuit breaker cabinet        断路器柜
circular bending die        压圆模
circular gear        圆形齿轮
circular pitch        齿距
circular pitch; pitch of teeth        节距
circular thickness        圆弧齿厚
circulating power load        循环功率流
circulation        周转
city monthly ticket        市区月票
city passenger flow        市区客流
city transposrtation        市区运输
class of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护类别
class of vehicle repair        汽车修理类别
classification        整理
classification of standards document.        标准文献分类
cleaner        清洗剂
cleaning cloth        抹布
cleaning cloth        抹布
cleanness        清扫
clearance        径向间隙
clockwise        顺时针
clogged filter        滤清器阻塞
close type socket joint        封闭式插接
closed chain mechanism        闭链机构
closed kinematic chain        闭式链
cloud point        浊点
club car        高尔夫球车
clutch        离合器
clutch explosion        离合器炸裂
coarse thread        粗牙螺纹
coating for protection against corrosion        防腐镀层
code fo practice        实施规则
coefficient of availability of vehicle        车辆完好率
coefficient of friction        摩擦系数
coefficient of speed fluctuation        机械运转不均匀系数
coefficient of speed fluctuation        速度不均匀 ( 波动 ) 系数
coefficient of travel speed variation        行程速度变化系数
coefficient of utilization of automobile        出车率
coefficient of utilization of ton-kilometers        吨公里利用系数
coefficient of velocity fluctuation        运转不均匀系数
coil stock        卷料
coincident points        重合点
coining press        精压机
coining press        精压机
coke-fired furnace        焦碳炉
cold brittleness        冷脆性
cold draw        冷拉
cold drawing low carbon seamless steel tube        冷拔低碳无缝钢管
cold drawing spring steel        冷拉弹簧钢
cold extruding        冷挤压
cold forging        冷锻
cold forging die        冷锻模
cold pressure welding        冷压焊
cold rinse bank        冷水槽
cold rolled thin steel sheet        冷轧薄钢板
cold rolling killed steel sheet        镇静钢冷轧钢板
cold rolling rimmed steel sheet        沸腾钢冷钆钢板
cold running-in        冷磨合
cold slug        冷块
cold treatment        冷处理
cold trim        冷切边
collapse of piston skirt        活塞裙部挤扁
collection of standard decumnets        标准文献收集
combination in parallel        并联式组合
combination in series        串联式组合
combinaton pliers        鲤鱼钳
combined efficiency; overall efficiency        总效率
combined mechanism        组合机构
combined mechanism        组合机构
combined stress        复合应力
combusion teste        燃烧分析仪
combustion teste        燃烧(废气)分析仪
commercial bronze        工业用铜
common apex of cone        锥顶
common equipment        常用设备
common equipment        常用设备
common goods        普通货物
common normal line        公法线
commuter        月票乘客
company standard(enterprise standard)        企业标准
comparable standard        可比标准
compensation        补偿
compensation fare        补票
complementary standard        补充性标准
complete annealing        完全退火
complete failure        完全故障
complete penetration        焊透
complex mechanism        复杂机构
complex steel sheet with chromate zinc        铬酸锌复合钢板
composite tooth form        组合齿形
compound (or combined) gear train        复合轮系
compound combining        复合式组合
compound die        合模
compound die        合模
compound flat belt        复合平带
compound gear train        混合轮系
compound hinge        复合铰链
Compound screw mechanism        复式螺旋机构
compressed gas        压缩煤气
compression strength        抗压强度
compressive stress        压应力
compresson coil spring        压缩螺旋弹簧
compressor        压缩机
compressor oil        压缩机机油
computer aided design, CAD        计算机辅助设计
computer aided manufacturing, CAM        计算机辅助制造
computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS        计算机集成制造系统
concave        凸
concavity        凹面、凹度
Conceal Install        暗装
concept design, CD        方案设计、概念设计
conclusion        结论
concurred design, CD        并行设计
concurrent engineering        并行工程
condenser tester        电容器试验器
condition of self-locking        自锁条件
conduction of heat        导热性
cone angle        圆锥角
cone distance        锥距
cone-worm milling machine        球面蜗杆铣床
conical roller bearing        圆锥形滚子轴承
conical spring        锥形弹簧
conjugate cam        共轭凸轮
conjugate profiles        共轭齿廓
conjugate yoke radial cam        等径凸轮
connecting rod alignment fixture        连杆矫正器
connecting rod, coupler        连杆
connection box        接线盒
connection test        检查接线
conoid helical-coil compression spring        圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧
conservation        清洁
constantan        康铜
constant-breadth cam        等宽凸轮
constant-velocity (or double) universal joint        双万向联轴节
constitution of mechanism        机构组成
constitution of standard        标准的构成
constraining force        约束反力
constraint        约束
constraint condition        约束条件
consumption        消耗
contact points        啮合点
contact ratio        重合度
contact seal        接触式密封
contact stress        接触应力
container transport        集装箱运输
content        目次
content of normative document        标准文件的内容
continous furnace        连续炉
continuous broaching        连续拉削
control center        调度中心
control panel        控制屏
control station        调度站
Control switches        控制开关
conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use        常用机构
convex        凹
convex        凸的,凸面体
convex roller        球面滚子
Conveyer        流水线物料板
Conveyer        流水线物料板
coolant        冷却液
coordinate        座标
coordinate frame        坐标系
copper        紫铜
Copper core power cable        铜芯电力电缆
copy grinding mahcine        靠模磨床
copy lathe        仿形车床
cork        软木
correcting plane        平衡平面
correcting plane        校正平面
corrigenda        勘误表
corrosion inhibitor        搞腐蚀剂
corrosion resistance        耐腐蚀性
corrosion resisting cast iron        耐蚀铸铁
corrosion wear        腐蚀性磨损
cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion        余弦加速度运动
cosmetic defect        外观不良
cosmetic inspect        外观检查
cosmetic inspect        外观检查
cost        成本
cost of labor        人工费
coulometer        库仑计
counter sinking        锪孔
counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)        逆时针
counterweight        平衡重
couple        力偶
coupler-curve        连杆曲线
coupling shaft coupling        联轴器
cover plate        盖板
covered arc welding        手工电弧焊
covering power        深镀能力
crank        曲柄
crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions        极位夹角
crank arm, planet carrier        系杆
crank press        曲轴压力机
crank shaft        曲柄轴
crank shaft        曲轴
crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism        曲柄导杆机构
crank-rocker mechanism        曲柄摇杆机构
cranksahft journal grinding machine        曲轴主轴颈磨床
crankshaft (main journal turning lathe)        曲轴(主轴颈)车床
crankshaft dynamic balancing machine        曲轴动平衡机
crankshaft grinding machine        曲轴磨床
crankshaft journal face hardening machine        曲轴轴颈表面淬火机床
crankshaft journal milling machine        曲轴轴颈铣削专用机床
crankshaft polishing machine        曲轴轴颈抛光机床
crankshaft superfinishing machine        曲轴超精磨机床
crankshaft turning lathe        曲轴车床
creation design        创新设计
crepon finish        皱纹漆
crimp paper        瓦楞纸
critical defect        极严重缺陷
critical failure        致命故障
critical point        临界点
critical speed        临界转速
cross grinding        端面磨削
cross weld        横向焊缝
cross-belt drive        交叉带传动
crossed helical gears        交错轴斜齿轮
crossover        交叉器
cross-shaped joint        十字接头
crown gear        冠轮
crown shaving        剃鼓形齿
crusher        破碎机
cryptometer        遮盖力测定仪
crystallization point        结晶温度
CSBS yearbook        中国标准化年鉴
cst bimetal        铸造双金属
culture        教养
cupola (cupola furnace)        冲天炉
curb window        安全监视窗
curling        卷边
Current by Phase        每相电流
current repair of vehicle        汽车小修
curvature        曲率
curve matching        曲线拼接
curved-shoe follower        曲面从动件
curve-tooth bevel gear milling        弧齿锥齿轮铣刀盘刃
curve-tooth bevel gear milling machine        弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机
curvilinear motion        曲线运动
cushion        缓冲
cut-off (shear-out)        切口
cutter        刀具
cutter grinding machine        工具磨床
cutting machine        切割机
cutting-out press        切断压力机
cyaniding        氰化
cycle        周波
cycle of motion        运动周期
cycloidal gear        摆线齿轮
cycloidal motion        摆线运动规律
cycloidal tooth profile        摆线齿形
cycloidal-pin wheel        摆线针轮
cylinder block broaching machine        气缸体专用拉床
cylinder block side broaching machine        气缸体侧拉床
cylinder boring machine        镗缸机
cylinder compression gauge        气缸压力表
cylinder honing machine        气缸珩磨机
cylinder leak tester        气缸漏气率检验仪
cylinder perpendicularity gauge        气缸孔垂直检验仪
cylinder pressure gauge        气缸压力表
cylinder score        拉缸
cylinder sticking        咬缸
cylindric pair        圆柱副
cylindrical cam        圆柱凸轮
cylindrical coordinate manipulator        圆柱坐标操作器
cylindrical grinding        外圆磨削
cylindrical roller        圆柱滚子
cylindrical roller bearing        圆柱滚子轴承
cylindrical worm        圆柱蜗杆
cylindroid helical-coil compression spring        圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧
cylindroid helical-coil extension spring        圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧
cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring        圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧
D.C traction substation        直流牵引变电站
D.I. rinse        纯水次
daily sevice        每日保养
damage        损坏
date of standard implementation        标准实施日期
dated reference (to standards)        注明日期的引用(标准)
day and night line        昼夜线路
day and night vehicle        昼夜车
dead point        死点
deadener        防声胶
decantation        沉淀法
decelerated run        压点
decentralized transportation        分散运输
decision items        决议事项
decoiling unit        开卷机
dedendum        齿根高
dedendum circle        齿根圆
deemed-to-satisfy provision        认为满足规定
deep drawing sheet        深冲压用薄钢板
deep drawng        拉伸
deep groove ball bearing        深沟球轴承
deep hole working        深孔加工
deep penetration electrode        深熔焊条
deep penetration welding        深溶焊
defect        缺陷
defective product box        不良品箱
defective product label        不良标签
defective product label        不良标签
defective product/non-good parts        不良品
defective products        不良品
defective products, not up-to-grade products        不良品
defective shock absorber        减震器失效
defective to staking        铆合不良
defective to staking        铆合不良
defective upsiding down        抽芽不良
defective upsiding down        抽芽不良
defective vacuum advance        真空提前失效
deficient manufacturing procedur        制造过程不良
deficient purchase        来料不良
deficient purchase        来料不良
definitive standard        限定性标准
deformation        变形
deformation        变形
deformation        变形
degate        打浇口
degrease        脱脂
degreasing        去油(脱脂)
degree of adoption        采用程度
degree of freedom, mobility        自由度
degree of reliability        可靠度
dejecting        顶固模
delamination        起鳞
delivery deadline        交货期
demagnetization        去磁;消磁
demin-water        去离子水
denominator        分母
dense deposits        焊肉致密
dents        压痕
dents        压痕
department        部门
department director        部长
department director        部长
depersonalized repairmethod        混装修理法
deposition techniques        熔敷工艺
depth of cut        切齿深度
deputy manager | =vice manager        副经理
deputy manager | =vice manager        副理
deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor        副课长
deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor        副课长
derivative        导数
derusting        除锈
derusting machine        除锈机
description for drawing up standard        标准编制说明
descriptive provision        叙述规定
descriptor        叙词
design constraints        设计约束
design defect        设计缺陷
design for product`s life cycle, DPLC        面向产品生命周期设计
design methodology        设计方法学
design variable        设计变量
deslag        去渣
desmut        剥黑膜
detecting test of vehicle        汽车检测
detecting test station of vehicle        汽车检测站
detergent        净化剂
detergent        去垢剂
detonation        爆震(爆燃)
detrimental resistance        有害阻力
diagnostic norms        诊断规范
diagnostic parameters        诊断参数
diagonal shaving        对角剃齿法
diameter series        直径系列
diametral pitch        径节
diametral quotient        蜗杆直径系数
diametral quotient        直径系数
diamond fine boring machine        金刚镗床
die casting machine        压铸机
die casting machine        压铸机
die change        换模
die for first-forming        预弯模
die forging        模锻
die lifter        举模器
die locker        锁模器
die locker        锁模器
die quenching of automotive driven bevel gear        汽车从动锥齿轮淬火压模
die repair        模修
die worker        模工
diesel fuel        柴油
diesel index        柴油指数
dieseling (after run)        自燃现象
difference quantity        差异量
differential        差速器
differential gear train        差动轮系
differential screw mechanism        差动螺旋机构
differential screw mechanism        微动螺旋机构
diffusion annealing        扩散退火
dilution        稀释
dimension series        尺寸系列
dimension/size is a little bigger        尺寸偏大(小)
dip equipment        浸漆设备
dip tank        浸漆槽
dip-coatng        浸涂
dipped electrode        手涂焊条
direct (forward) kinematics        正向运动学
direct current feed control panel        直流馈电屏
direct distilled gasoline        直馏汽油
direct welding        双面点焊
directive standard        指导性标准
disassembling        拆卸
disc brake        圆盘制动器
disc friction clutch        圆盘摩擦离合器
disc lathe        制动盘专用车床
disc runout        制动盘摆动
disc spring        碟形弹簧
discoloration        羿色
disk cam        盘形凸轮
disk-like rotor        盘形转子
dismantle the die        折模
dispatch point for goods        货物发送点
dispersing agent        分散剂
displacement        位移
displacement diagram        位移曲线
disposed goods        处理品
disposed products        处理品
distillation range        馏程
distillaton test        蒸馏试验
division of standard        标准的单元
document.nbspindexing        文献标引
door light        门灯
door opening degree        车门开度
double coated electrode        双层药皮焊条
double countercurrent rinse tank        双联冷水槽
double crank mechanism        双曲柄机构
double Haas planer        龙门刨床
double head spray gun        双头喷枪
double housing planer        龙门刨床
double pillar jig borer        双柱坐标镗床
double rocker mechanism        双摇杆机构
double roller chain coupling        滚子链联轴器
double row bearing        双列轴承
double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling        十字滑块联轴器
double-chain conveyer        推杆悬链
double-deck bus        双层公共汽车
double-direction thrust bearing        双向推力轴承
double-ended spanner        双头扳手
double-post carnkshafttruning blathe        双工位曲轴车床
double-row ball bearing        双列滚珠轴承
double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph        双滑块机构
double-V butt joint        双V 形对接接头
double-V groove        双V 形坡口
double-vevel groove        K 形坡口
down draft spray booth        下吸式喷漆室
draft internation standard        国际标准草案
draft standard for approval        标准报批稿
draft standard for discussion        标准讨论稿
draft standard for examination        标准送审稿
drag form        压锻差
drain area        沥漆区
drawing        拉延
drawing die        拉延模
drawing furnace        回火炉
drill        铝
drill        钻削
driller        钻床
drilling machine        钻床
driven gear        从动轮
driven link, follower        从动件
driven pulley        从动带轮
driven system        传动系统
driver seat        司机座椅
driving force        驱动力
driving gear        主动齿轮
driving link        原动件
driving link        主动件
driving moment (torque)        驱动力矩
driving pulley        主动带轮
drop press        模锻压力机
droplet        熔滴
dropping point        滴点
drum milling machine        转鼓铣床
drum type double face drilling and boring combined machine        转鼓式双面钻镗组合机床
dry grinding        干打磨
dry spray booth        干式喷漆室
dryer        烘干机
dummying        用假阴极电镀
dust collector        除尘装置
dwell        停歇
dwell meter        断电器触点闭合角
dyad        II 级杆组
dydraulic coping lathe        液压仿形车床
dynamic analysis design        动态分析设计
dynamic analysis of machinery        机械动力分析
dynamic balance        动平衡
dynamic balancing machine        动平衡机
dynamic characteristics        动态特性
dynamic design of machinery        机械动力设计
dynamic energy        动能
dynamic equivalent axial load        轴向当量动载荷
dynamic equivalent radial load        径向当量动载荷
dynamic load        动载荷
dynamic lubrication        动力润滑
dynamic reaction        动压力
dynamic viscosity        动力粘度
dynamic viscosity        动力粘度
dynamic wheel balancer        车轮动平衡机
dynamically equivalent model        等效动力学模型
dynamics        动力学
dynamics of machinery        机械动力学
earthing bus        接地母线
earthing jumper        接地跨接线
earthing twisted pair        接地绞线
eccentric        偏心盘
eccentric mass        偏心质量
eccentric valve seat grinder        气门座偏心磨光机
eccentricity ratio        偏心率
edge finder        巡边器
edging        折边
edging machine        折边机
EDM        放电机
education and training        教育与训练
education and training        教育与训练
effective circle force        有效圆周力
effective resistance        工作阻力
effective resistance moment        工作阻力矩
effective tension        有效拉力
elastic coupling flexible coupling        弹性联轴器
elasticity sliding motion        弹性滑动
electical -contacted type detecting fixture        电接触式检验夹具
electophoretic coating        电泳涂层
electric arc welding        电弧焊
electric brazing        电子加热钎焊
electric condenser        电容器
electric furnace        电炉
electric resistance welding        电阻焊
Electric screw driver        电动起子
electric upsetting machine        电镦机
electric welding        电焊机
electrical grinding        导电磨削
electrical sparkle        电火花
electrical sparkle        电火花
electro apparatus        电泳涂漆设备
electrocoating installation        电涂漆设备
electrode        电极(焊条)
electrogas arc welding        气电焊
electroless plating        化学电镀
electrolysis        电解
electrolyte        电解液
electrolytic cleaner        电解去油槽
electrolytic machining        电解加工
electron (dow metal)        电子合金
electron beam curing        电子束固化
electron beam welding        电子束焊接
electron gun        电子枪
electronic beam machining        电子束加工
electronic -diagnostis engine tester        电子诊断式发动机试验仪
electronic ignition tester        电子点火试验器
electrophoretic primer        电泳底漆
electroplate        电镀
electroplating        电镀
electroslag welding        电渣焊机
electro-spark machining        电火花加工
electro-spark machining        电脉冲加工
electrostatic dust collector        静电除尘装置
electrostatic spray equipment        静电喷漆设备
electro-thermic working        电热加工
electrowinning        电解沉积
eletric welding        电焊
elevated line        高架线路
embedded lump        镶块
embedded lump        镶块
emergency exit        安全门
emergency pulbic transport system        应急公共交通系统
EMI gasket        导电条
EMI gasket        导电条
enamel        面漆
enamel paint        瓷漆
end-effector        末端执行器
energy        能量
engagement, mesh, gearing        啮合
engaging-in        啮入
engaging-out        啮出
engine analysis apparatus        发动机分析仪
engine analyzer        发动机综合试验机
engine dynamomete        发动机测功机
engine oil        发动机油
engine scope(oscillograph0        发动机示波器
engineering        工程
engineering, project difficulty        工程瓶颈
enterprise of vehicle maintenance and repair        汽车维护企业
enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects        企划
enterprise standardization        企业标准化
environmental protection law        环境保护法
environmental protection standard        环境保护标准
epicyclic gear train        周转轮系
epoxy paint        环氧树脂漆
epoxy resin electrophoretic primer        环氧电泳底漆
epoxy resin filler        环氧腻子
epoxy resin(EP)        环氧树脂
equilibrium        力平衡
equipment        设备
equivalence of standards        标准的等效性
equivalent        等效量
equivalent coefficient of friction        当量摩擦系数
equivalent force        等效力
equivalent link        等效构件
equivalent load        当量载荷
equivalent mass        等效质量
equivalent mechanism        替代机构
equivalent moment of force        等效力矩
equivalent moment of inertia        等效转动惯量
equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear        锥齿轮的当量直齿轮
equivalent spur gear of the helical gear        斜齿轮的当量直齿轮
equivalent spur gear; virtual gear        当量齿轮
equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth        当量齿数
escalator        自动扶梯
esters solvent        酯类溶剂
etch primer        磷化底漆
ether solvent        醚类溶剂
ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR)        乙烯丙烯橡胶
ethylized gasoline        乙基汽油
eutectic        共晶
eutectic alloy        共晶合金
evaluation        评估
evaluation and decision        评价与决策
evenign peak        晚高峰
excessive consumption of fuel and oil        费油
excessive defects        过多的缺陷
excesssive gap        间隙过大
exclusive requirement        必要要求
executive autority        执行机构
executive link; working link        执行构件
expanded plastics        多孔塑料(泡沫塑料)
expansion dwg        展开图
Explosion-proof socket        防爆插座
exposed metal/bare metal        金属裸露
express bus        快车
express bus stop        快车站
express line        快车线路
extension coil spring        拉伸螺旋弹簧
external force        外力
external gear        外齿轮
external loads        工作载荷
extra vehicle        加班车
extreme (or limiting) position        极限位置
extruded electrode        机械压涂焊条
extrusion        挤压
extrusion finishing        挤压光加工
extrusion press        挤压机
eye bolt        吊环螺栓
face width        齿宽
face width        平底宽度
face-to-face arrangement        面对面安装
face-up bonding        仰焊
factor        系数
factor of stress concentration        应力集中系数
factored moment; calculation moment        计算力矩
factory director        厂长
factory director        厂长
failure rate        故障率
failure wear        故障磨损
fare        票价
fare ticket type        票类
fare-kilometre        票价里程
fasten        锁紧(螺丝)
fasten        锁紧(螺丝)
fastener        紧固件
fatigue        疲劳
fatigue limit        疲劳极限
fatigue strength        疲劳强度
fatigue wear        疲劳磨损
fault tree analysis        故障树型分析法
feather key        滑键、导键
feature change        特性变更
feature die        公母模
feedback combining        反馈式组合
feeder        馈线
feeder        送料机
feeder network        馈线网
feeding is not in place        送料不到位
feeding is not in place        送料不到位
feeler gauge        厚度规
felt        毛毡
felt ring seal        毡圈密封
female die        母模
ferrisulphas        硫酸亚铁
ferrite        铁素体
ferrofluid seal        铁磁流体密封
ferrous metal        黑金属
fiber carton        纤维纸板
fiber washer        纤维垫圈
field balancing        现场平衡
field fo standardization        标准化领域
file        锉刀
fillet        镶;嵌边
fillet radius        圆角半径
fillister(raised cheese)head screw        球面圆柱头螺钉
final boiling point        干点
final contact, end of contact        终止啮合点
final inspection        终检
final inspection        终检
final run vehicle        末班车
fine threads        细牙螺纹
fineness gauge        细度计
finish heat treatment        最终热处理
finish primer        末道底漆
finish varnish        罩光清漆
finished product        成品
finished products        成品
fire-cracker welding        躺焊
first -run vehicle        首班车
first step height        一级踏板高度
fit together        组装在一起
fit together        组装在一起
fitting        装配
fixed line        固定线路
fixed link; frame        固定构件
fixture        夹具(治具)
fixture        夹具(治具)
flake        白点
flame case hardening        火焰加热表面淬火
flange coupling        凸缘联轴器
flanging        翻边
flanging forming die        翻边成形模
flash off        凉干
flat belt        平带
flat belt driving        平带传动
flat fare        单一票制
flat leaf spring        板簧
flat position welding        平焊(俯焊)
flat spot        过度停顿
flat steel        扁钢
flat(countersunk)head screw        沉头螺钉
flat-die forging        自由锻造
flat-face follower        平底从动件
flattening        压扁
flattening die        压扁模
flexible automation        柔性自动化
flexible impulse; soft shock        柔性冲击
flexible manufacturing system; FMS        柔性制造系统
flexible rotor        挠性转子
flexspline        柔轮
float level gauge        浮子室液面仪
flocculant        絮凝剂
floor        地板
floor height        车厢地板高度
floor model        落地式
flow board        流水板
flow chart        流程表单
flow coating equipment        淋漆设备
flow coating equipment        热喷漆机
flow method of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护流水作业法
flow of freight        货流
fluctuating circulating stress        脉动循环应力
fluctuating load        脉动载荷
flush        冲洗
fluttering        振抖
flyspun electrode        包丝焊条
flywheel        飞轮
foam plastics        泡沫塑料
foaming inhibitor        泡沫抑制剂
fold of pakaging belt        打包带折皱
folding machine        卷边机
follower dwell        从动件停歇
follower motion        从动件运动规律
force        力
force polygon        力多边形
forced vibration        强迫振动
force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism        力封闭型凸轮机构
forefinger        食指
forge        锻造
forging        锻造
forging blank        锻造毛坯
forging die        锻压机
forging die        型锻模
forging hammer without anvilbed        无砧坐模锻锤
forging roll        辊锻机
forklift        叉车
forklift        叉车
forklift        叉车
form block        折刀
form broaching        成型拉削
form cutting        仿形法
form factor        齿形系数
forming        成形
forming die        精整模
four-bar linkage        四杆机构
frame gauge        车架量规
frame, fixed link        机架
framework of standard        标准的结构
free acceleraton engine tester        发动机加速测功仪
free cutting steel        易削钢
freezing inhibitor        防冻剂
freezing point        凝固点
freezing point; solidifying point        凝固点
freight bill(freight notes)        运费单
freight flow diagram        货流图
freight rate        运费率
freight tariff        运费表
freight transportation        货物运输
frequency        频率
frequency control of motor speed        变频调速
frequency converters        变频器
frequency of current repair of vehicles        汽车小修频率
frequency of vibration        振动频率
fretting        侵蚀
friction        摩擦
friction angle        摩擦角
friction circle        摩擦圆
friction force        摩擦力
friction moment        摩擦力矩
frictional resistance        摩擦阻力
frog        分线器
front fillet weld        正面角焊缝
front number plate        前路牌
front plate        前板
front plate        前板
fuel        燃料(燃油)
fuel density        燃油密度
fuel distillation range        燃油馏程
fuel fouling        呛油
fuel knock(gas knock)        燃料爆燃
fuel mixture        燃油混合气
fuel specific gravity        燃油比重
fuel vapor pressure        燃油蒸气压力
full balance of shaking force        惯性力完全平衡
full fare        全程票价
function analyses design        功能分析设计
function generation        函数生成
function generator        函数发生器
fundamental mechanism        基础机构
fungus proof paint        防霉涂料
fuse machine        热熔机
fuse machine        热熔机
fuse together        熔合
fuse together        熔合
fusion welding        熔焊
fuzzy evaluation        模糊评价
fuzzy set        模糊集
galvanized iron        白铁
galvanized steel sheet        镀锌钢板
galvanizing        镀锌
garbage bag        垃圾袋
garbage can        垃圾箱
garbage container        灰箕
gas bearing        气体轴承
gas cylinder        气瓶
gas mark        焦痕
gas pressure welding        加压气焊
gas shield arc welding        气体保护电弧焊
gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding        磁性气体保护焊
gas welding        气焊
gas-fired furnace        煤气炉
gasket        垫圈
gasket seal        垫片密封
gasoline (petrol)        汽油
gauge        轨距
gauge(or jig)        治具
gauge(or jig)        治具
gear        齿轮
gear        齿轮机构
gear burnishing machine        挤齿机
gear coupling        齿轮联轴器
gear extruding        挤齿
gear face machining        齿面加工
gear grinding        磨齿
gear grinding machine        齿轮磨床
gear hardening press        齿轮淬火压床
gear hobbing        滚齿
gear honing        珩齿
gear honing machine        珩齿机
gear honing machine        珩齿机
gear lapping        研齿
gear milling        铣齿
gear oil        齿轮油
gear planing        刨齿
gear ratio        齿数比
gear shaper        插齿机
gear shaping        插齿
gear shaving        剃齿
gear shaving machine        剃齿机
gear train        轮系
gear wheel        大齿轮
gear-cutting with form copying method        仿形法切齿
gear-cutting with generating method        展成法切齿
gearing; transmission gear        传动装置
gearrolling mill        齿轮滚轧机
gelatin        动物胶
general constraint        公共约束
general manager        总经理
general manager        总经理
general monthly ticket        通用月票
general shaving        普通剃齿法
general standard        通用标准
generalized coordinate        广义坐标
generalized kinematic chain        一般化运动链
generating        展成法
generating cutting        范成法
generating line        发生线
generating line of involute        渐开线发生线
generating plane        发生面
generation mechanism        广义机构
generator        发电机
generator control panel        发电机控制面板
generator gas        发生炉煤气
Geneva mechanism        槽轮机构
Geneva numerate        槽数
Geneva wheel        槽轮
Geneva wheel Geneva gear        马耳他机构
glaring        出光
glass cloth        玻璃布
glass-fiber reinforced plastics        玻璃纤维增强塑料
glazing        罩光
glossmeter        光泽计
glove(s)        手套
glove(s) with exposed fingers        割手套
glue stripper        脱胶剂
glue(gum)        胶
good condition of vehicle        汽车完好技术状况
good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts        良品
good products        良品
goods transportation        货物运输
goods-circulating quantity        货物周围量
gouge        沟槽;凿槽
government standard        政府标准
governmental regulation        政府规程
governor hunting        调速器工作不匀
Grade of Protection        防护等级
grain size        晶体大小
granule=peuet=grain        细粒
graphical method        图解法
Grashoff`s law        格拉晓夫定理
Grashoff`s law        曲柄存在条件
gravimeter        比重计
grease        黄油
grease gun        黄油枪
grease/oil stains        油污
green design design for environment        绿色设计
grey cast iron        灰铸铁
grey cast iron        灰铸铁
grind        磨
grinder        磨床
grinder        磨床
grinding        磨削
grinding machine for spiral spring        弹簧端面磨床
grinding paster        打磨膏
grinding wheel groove        砂轮越程槽
grit        沙砾
grit        砂砾
grit maker        抽粒机
groove cam        槽凸轮
groove punch        压线冲子
groove welding        坡口焊
ground glass        毛玻璃
ground line        地面线路
grounding chanin        接地链
group leader/supervisor        组长
group leader/supervisor        组长
gum deposit        结胶
gum resin        树胶脂
gypsum        石膏
gyroscope        陀螺仪
H. Hertz equation        赫兹公式
half-killed steel        半镇静钢
hammer finish        锤纹面漆
hammer forging        锤锻(自由锻)
hand dip equipment        手工浸漆设备
hand held gun        手动焊枪
hand torch        手动焊炬
handrail        扶手
hands of worm        蜗杆旋向
hard pedal        制动踏板费力
hardenability        淬硬性(淬透性)
hardened and tempered steel        调质钢
hardened glass        钢化玻璃
hardening        淬火
hardening and high temperature tempering        调质
haring cell        哈林电槽
harmonic driving        谐波传动
harmonic gear        谐波齿轮
harmonic generator        谐波发生器
harmonization of standards        标准的协调
harmonized stndard        协调标准
hastelloy electrode        合金焊条
head light checking equipment        前照灯检验仪
head of screwdriver        起子头
headless screw        无头螺钉
hearth        炉床
heat balance; thermal equilibrium        热平衡
heat dissipation        热传
heat resisting steel        耐热钢
heat treatment        热处理
heat treatment furnace        热处理炉
heater band        加热片
heating frunace        加热炉
heat-resistant paint        耐热漆
heavy metal        重金属
heavy-duty oil        重工况润滑油
height series        高度系列
height series        高度系列
helical bevel gear        螺旋锥齿轮
helical gear        斜齿圆柱齿轮
helical pair        螺旋副
helical torsion spring        扭簧
helix ,helical line        螺旋线
helix angle        螺旋角
helix angle at reference cylinder        分度圆柱螺旋角
helmet shield        焊工用面罩
herringbone gear        人字齿轮
hexagon bolt        六角头螺栓
hexagon nut        六角螺母
hexagonal plating barrel        六角滚筒
hezagon castle (slotted )nut        开槽六角螺母
hide glue        皮胶
high frequency case hardening        高频表面淬火
high gloss finish        高光泽面漆
high pressure blasting machine        喷丸机
high pressure cabinet        高压柜
High Pressure Mercury Lamp        高压汞灯
high pressure moulding machine        高压造型机
High Pressure Sodium Lamp        高压钠灯
High Pressure Sodium Lamp        高压钠灯
high speed belt        高速带
high speed boringh        高速精镗
high speed cropping machine        高速棒料剪切机
high speed cutting        高速切削
high speed hobbing        高速滚削
high speed steel        高速工具钢
high strength duralumin        高强度锻造铝合金
high temperature tempering        高温回火
higher pair        高副
high-frequency furnace        高频炉
high-speed grinding        高速磨削
high-speed transmission        高速传递
hindley worm        直廓环面蜗杆
hinge        铰链、枢纽
Hi-pot test of SPS        高源高压测试
Hi-pot test of SPS        高源高压测试
hob        滚刀
hob ,hobbing cutter        齿轮滚刀
hobbing machine        滚齿机
holder        焊把
hole flanging-sizing die        翻孔整形模
hollow flank worm        圆弧圆柱蜗杆
honing        珩磨
honing machine        珩磨机
Hooks coupling universal coupling        万向联轴器
horizontal continuous broaching machine        卧式连续式拉床
horizontal fillet welding        水平角焊
horizontal forging machine        平锻机
horizontal forging machine        卧式锻造机
horizontal parting        水平分模(平锻机)
horizontal spindle double ended grinding machine for piston ring        活塞环卧轴双端面磨床
horizontally fully-immersed barrel        水平全浸式滚筒
horzontal forging        平锻
horzontal position welding        横焊
hose for brake bleeding        制动器放气软管
hot draw        热拉
hot rise tank        热水槽
hot rolled thin steel sheet        热轧薄钢板
hot rolling spring steel        热轧弹簧钢
hot running-in        热磨合
hot spray        热喷漆
hot trim        热切边
hot water rinse        热水清洗
hot weld        热焊
hot-chamber die casting machine        热室压铸机
hour-glass        砂漏
hub puller        轮毂拆卸器
hull cell        赫尔槽
hunting        调速不匀
hyatt roller bearing        挠性滚子轴承
hydraulic blasting        水力清理
hydraulic copy wheel dresser        液压仿形砂轮修整器
hydraulic couplers        液力耦合器
hydraulic extrusion press        滚压挤压机
hydraulic forging        水压机锻造
hydraulic handjack        油压板车
hydraulic machine        油压机
hydraulic machine        油压机
hydraulic mechanism        液压机构
hydraulic servo tool setting device        液压伺服对刀装置
hydraulic stepless speed changes        液压无级变速
hydraulic traching center test        液压跟踪中心架
hydrochloric acid        盐酸
hydrodynamic drive        液力传动
hydrophilic        亲水的
hydrophobic        疏水的
hydro-planing (aqua-planing)        漂滑效应
hyperboloid gear        双曲面齿轮
hypoid gear        准双曲面齿轮
hypoid gear oil        准双曲线齿轮油
identical standard        相同标准
identifying sheet list        标示单
identifying sheet list        标示单
idle        空转
idle gear        惰轮
idpatching vehicle        调车
ignition coil tester        点火线圈试验器
ignition timing light (stroboscope)        点火正时灯(正时观测灯)
Iine number plate        路牌
illegal exhaust and noise        污染超限
imbalance (or unbalance)        不平衡
immersion plating        浸镀
imncomplete annealing        不完全退火
impending skid        (由于紧急制动)紧急滑行
impermeable carton        防水纸板
impression        压痕
improved carbon structural steel        优质碳素结构钢
inclusion        杂质
incomplete penetration        未焊透
inconel        因科镍合金
increment or decrement work        盈亏功
index        索引
indices of vehicle maintenance and repari        汽车维修指标
indirect welding        单面点焊
individual repair        单独修理
induction        感应
induction furnace        感应炉
induction light        感应光
industrial robot        工业用机器人
inert-gas welding        惰性气体保护焊
inertia force        惯性力
inertia knock-out grid        惯性落砂机
inertia type brake tester        惯性式制动试验台
infinite        无穷大
information work of standards        标准情报工作
infrared pyrometer        红外线高温计
infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer        红外线废气分析仪
inhibitor        阻蚀剂
initial boiling point        初沸点
initial contact , beginning of contact        起始啮合点
injected-formative plastics        注射成型塑料
in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism        对心曲柄滑块机构
inner bearing        内轴承
inner parts inspect        内部检查
inner parts inspect        内部检查
inner quality standard        内控标准
inner ring        内圈
inner-outer happing machine        内外圆研磨床
innovation creation        创新
input link        输入构件
insert        入块
inspection        检视
inspection and clasification of parts        零件检验分类
instantaneous center        瞬心
instantaneous center of velocity        速度瞬心
instruction        细则
instructon        指示
instrument and device for vehicle maintenance and repair        汽车维修工具和设备
insulating paint        绝缘漆
insulating paint        绝缘涂料
intake manifold vacuum meter        进气歧管真空度表
integrate        积分
integrated standardization        综合标准化
intelligent design, ID        智能化设计
interchangeable gears        互换性齿轮
intercity line        长途线路
interface standard        接口标准
interference        干涉
interior height        车内净高
intermediate alloy        中间合金
intermediate control office        中途调度站
intermittent gearing        不完全齿轮机构
intermittent motion mechanism        间歇运动机构
inter-mode transport        联合运输
internal and cylindrical centerless grinder for pistone ring        活塞环内外圆无心磨床
internal force        内力
internal gear        内齿轮
internal grinding        内圆磨削
international standard        国际标准
international standardization organization        国际标准化组织
international standards organization        国际标准组织
international standarkdization        国际标准化
internationally harmonized standard        国际协调标准
inter-region transportatin        区间运输
inter-transportation of freight in opposite direction        相向运输
inter-zone vehicle        区间车
introduction        引言
invalid ticket        废票
invalidated ticket box        废票箱
inverse ( or backward) kinematics        反向运动学
inverse cam mechanism        凸轮倒置机构
involute        渐开线
involute equation        渐开线方程
involute function        渐开线函数
involute gear        渐开线齿轮
involute helicoid        渐开螺旋面
involute profile        渐开线齿廓
involute spline        渐开线花键
involute worm        渐开线蜗杆
ion        离子
ion injection        离子束注入
ion-nitriding        离子氮化
IR curing        红外线固化
iron powder electrode        铁粉焊条
island platform        岛式站台
isolating plate baffle plate; barricade        隔板
isothermal annealing        等温退火
isothermal hardenning        等温淬火
isothermal transformation        等温转变
item/group/class        类别
iudustrial alcohol        工业酒精
jack        千斤顶
jack        升降机
Jacobi matrix        雅可比矩阵
jaw (teeth) positive-contact coupling        牙嵌式联轴器
jerk        跃度
jerk diagram        跃度曲线
jig-boring machine        坐标镗床
joggling die        顶锻模
joint radiation convection oven        辐射对流烘干室
jointed manipulator        关节型操作器
journal        轴颈
journal score        轴颈擦伤
journey        运程段
jump hammer        摩擦锤
junction box        分线箱
junction station        枢扭站
kenematic viscosity        运动粘度
Kennedy`s theorem        三心定理
kerosine        煤油
ketones solvent        酮类溶剂
key        键
keyway        键槽
killed steel        镇静钢(脱氧钢)
kinematic analysis        运动分析
kinematic chain        运动链
kinematic design        运动设计
kinematic design of mechanism        机构运动设计
kinematic inversion        反转法
kinematic inversion        机架变换
kinematic inversion        运动倒置
kinematic pair        运动副
kinematic precept design        运动方案设计
kinematic sketch        运动简图
kinematic sketch of mechanism        机构运动简图
kinematic synthesis        运动综合
kinematic viscosity        运动粘度
kinematical seal        动密封
knife-edge follower        尖底从动件
knock        敲缸
knuckle-joint press        曲柄压力机
knurled nut        滚花螺母
labour hygiene standard        劳动卫生标准
labour productivity of repair man        汽车修理工人实物劳动生产率
labour protectig standard        劳动保护标准
labyrinth seal        迷宫密封
lack of painting        烤漆不到位
lack of power        乏力
ladle        浇包
lamp holder        灯架
lap welding        搭接焊
lapping        打光
lapping        研磨
lapping machine        研磨机
large spool        大焊丝盘
laser hardening        激光硬化
laser machining        激光加工
laser welding        激光焊接
lasering heat treatmetn        激光热处理
latex        胶乳
lathe        车
lathe        车床
lathe        车床
lathe        车床
Layout        布置图
Layout        布置图
layout of cam profile        凸轮廓线绘制
lbs. Inch        镑、英寸
lbs. inch        镑、英寸
lead        导程
lead        螺纹导程
lead alloy        铅合金
lead angle        导程角
lead angle at reference cylinder        分度圆柱导程角
lead base babbitt        铅基巴氏合金
lead bronze        铅青铜
lead fouling        (火花塞)铅沉积
lead lined steel tank        衬铅槽
lead-base alloy        铅基合金
lead-bronze bearing        铅表铜轴承
lead-covered steel sheet        镀铅钢板
leakage        泄漏
leakage        泄漏
leatherette        人造革
ledeburite        莱氏体
left fork        叉车
left fork        叉车
length of line of action        啮合线长度
level of standardization        标准化的水平
levelling power        均镀力
levels of standards        标准的级别
liaison        联络单
lift        升距
light cargo        轻泡货物
light metal alloy        轻金属合金
light rail rapid transit car        快速有轨电车
Light Source        光源
lighting cable        照明电缆
lightning conductor        接地极
lime grease        钙基润滑脂
lime-sodium base grease        钙-钠基润滑脂
limiting clearance        极限间隙
limiting condition of vehicle        汽车极限技术状况
limiting wear        极限磨损
line borer        直线镗削机
line number        路别
line of action        啮合线
line of centers        连心线
line supervisor        线长
line supervisor        线长
linear cutting        线切割
linear cutting        线切割
linear motion        直线运动
link        构件
linkage        连杆机构
lip rubber seal        唇形橡胶密封
lipowit's metal        李彼威特合金
liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)        液化石油气
liquid spring        液体弹簧
list        目录
little finger        小指
load        载荷
load balancing mechanism        均衡装置
load rating        额定载荷
load—deformation curve        载荷 — 变形曲线
load—deformation diagram        载荷 — 变形图
loader        上料器
loading and unloading charge        装卸费用
loading mileage        载货行程
load-shedding equipment        减负荷装置
local bus        慢车
local hardening        局部淬火
location        地点
long distance bus sto        长途公共汽车站
long distance transportation        长途运输
long goods        长型货物
long-distance bus        长途公共汽车
loom        织布机
loop line        环形线路
lots of production        生产批量
loudspeaker        扬声器
low alloy steel sheet with high strength        高强度底合金钢板
low brake pedal        制动踏板过低
low lead fuel        低含铅汽油
low temperature annealing        低温退火
low temperature tempering        低温回火
lower die        下锤头
lower pair        低副
low-floor bus        低地板式公共汽车
low-shaft furnace        坑式炉
lubricant        润滑剂
lubricant        润滑剂
lubricant film        润滑油膜
lubrication        润滑
lubrication device        润滑装置
lubricity        润滑性
Luft Dushe steel        顶吹氧转炉钢
luminous paint        发光漆
maceration        侵渍作用
machine        机器
machine design; mechanical design        机械设计
machine forging        机器锻造
machinery        机械
machining        机加工
macrography        低倍照相
macro-structure        宏观组织
magnalium        镁铝合金
magnesium        镁金
magnetic fluid bearing        磁流体轴承
magnetic levitated vehicle        磁垫车
magnetic steel        磁钢
magnetic tickeet        磁性月票
magnetizer        加磁器
main bearing aligning gauge        主轴承座孔同轴度检验仪
main flow during the peak period        高峰主流向
main line        正线
main manifold        主集流脉
maintainability of vehicle        汽车维修性
maintenance depot (station )of vehicle        汽车维修场(站)
major defect        主要缺陷
major failure        严重故障
major repair of vehicle        汽车大修
male die        公模
malfunctioning        故障
malleable cast iron        可锻铸铁
Maltese cross        马耳他十字
mandatory standard        强制性标准
Man-day total/work-day total        工日合计
manganese brass        锰黄铜
manganese bronze        锰青铜
manganin        锰铜
manifold pressure gauge set        歧管压力表
manipulator        机器人操作器
manipulator        机械手
manual fuel pump        手油泵
manual welding        手工焊
manufactruing equipment of automobile        汽车制造设备
manufacture management        制造管理
manufacture procedure        制造过程
manufacture procedure        制造过程
manufacturing defect        制造缺陷
marquenching        分级淬火
martensite        马氏体
masking        遮蔽
mass        质量
mass transit system        大运量客运系统
mass-radius product        质径积
matching        拼接
material change, stock change        材料变更
material check list        物料检查表
material check list        物料检查表
materials        物料
materials expenses        材料费
materials used in auto manufacturing        汽车用材料
mathematic model        数学模型
matrix        矩阵
maximum difference work between plus and minus work        最大盈亏功
maximum passenger capacity        最大载客量
ME        制造工程师
ME        制造工程师
mean diameter        中径
mean screw diameter        平均中径
mechanical        机械的
mechanical advantage        机械利益
mechanical behavior        机械特性
mechanical creation design, MCD        机械创新设计
mechanical efficiency        机械效率
mechanical plating        机械电镀
mechanical press        机械压力机
mechanical speed governors        机械调速
mechanical stepless speed changes        机械无级变速
mechanical system        机械系统
mechanical system design, MSD        机械系统设计
mechanical wear        机械磨损
mechanical-electrical integration system design        机电一体化系统设计
mechanism        机构
mechanism        机构学
mechanism with flexible elements        挠性机构
medium repair of vehicle        汽车中修
medium temperature tempering        中温回火
membership        隶属度
Mercury Lamp        水银灯具
metal        金属
metal arc welding        金属极电弧焊接
metal case hardening        金属表面强化处理
metal halide lamp        金属卤化物灯
metal heat treatment        金属热处理
metal inert gas arc welding        金属极惰性气体保护点焊
metal plate        钣金
Metallic Halide Lamp        金属卤化物灯
metallography        金相学
metered fare        计程票制
metering panel        计量盘
methanol        甲醇
method of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护方法
method of vehicle maintenance on universal post        汽车维护定位作业法
methylated spirit        含甲醇酒精
metric gears        公制齿轮
micro-structure        显微组织
midfinger        中指
mid-plane        中间平面
mild steel        软钢
mildewed=moldy=mouldy        发霉
mileage between repair        修理里程
mill        锉
milled helicoids worm        锥面包络圆柱蜗杆
miller        铣床
miller        铣床
minibus        小公共汽车
minimum radius        最小向径
minimum teeth number        最少齿数
ministerial standard        部标准
minor defect        次要缺陷
minor diameter        小径
minor failure        一般故障
misfiring        不发火(不点火)
missing part        漏件
mixed color        杂色
mixture robbery        抢气
model        机锺
modern machine design        机械的现代设计
modification coefficient        变位系数
modified gear        变位齿轮
modified sine acceleration motion        修正正弦加速度运动规律
modified trapezoidal acceleration motion        修正梯形加速度运动规律
modular design, MD        模块化设计
modular system        模块式传动系统
modulation, regulation        调节
module        模数
molding        成型
molding factory        成型厂
molding factory        成型厂
moly high speed steel        钼高速钢
moment        力矩
moment of couple        力偶矩
moment of flywheel        飞轮矩
moment of inertia ,shaking moment        惯性力矩
moment of torque        扭矩
monel        蒙乃尔合金
mongline        单线
monorail car        单轨车
monorail transit system        单轨运输系统
monthly ticket        月票
mop        拖把
morning peak        早高峰
morphology box        模幅箱
motor vehicle liquidation        汽车报废
moulded bearing metal        浇铸式合金轴承
moving link        运动构件
multi-diameter shaft        阶梯轴
multilaterally harmonized standard        多边协调标准
multilayer welding        多层焊
multilingual international standard        多种语言的国际标准
multi-operator welding set        多站电焊机
multipass welding        多道焊
multiple abrasive wheels surface grinding machine        多砂轮平面磨床
multiple impression forging        多型槽锻造
multiple projection welding        多点凸焊
multiple spot welder        多点焊机
multiple station combined machine for piston machining        活塞加工多工位组合机床
multipurpose additive        多用途添加剂
multi-row bearing        多列轴承
multi-spindle deep hole drilling machine        多轴深孔钻床
multi-steel        多层钢
multi-steel sheet with plastic plate        塑料夹层消声钢板
multi-tool cutting        多刀切削
N/C crankshaft milling machine        数控曲轴铣床
name of a department        部门名称
narrow V belt        窄 V 带
national standard        国家标准
national standard        国家标准
national standardization        国家标准化
national standardization plan        国家标准化计划
national standards body        国家标准机构
national technical committee for standardization        全国标准化技术委员会
natural gasoline        天然汽油
natural rubber        天然橡胶
neckling die        缩口模
needle bearing        滚针轴承
needle roller        滚针
needle roller bearing        滚针轴承
neon spark tester        氖管火花试验器
nephelometer        浊度计
network element        网络单元
network of vehicle maintenance and repair        汽车维修网点
new work item proposal        新工作项目建议
nick        缺口
nickel brass        镍黄铜
nickel bronze        镍青铜
night bus        夜班车
night line        夜间线路
night-bus stop board        夜班车站牌
nitriding        渗氮(氮化)
nitriding steel        氮化钢
nitrile butadiene rubber(NBR)        腈基丁二烯橡胶
nitrile rubber        丁腈橡胶
nitrocellulose enamel        硝基面漆
nitrocellulose filler        硝化腻子
nitrocellulose primer        硝基底漆
no-draft forging        挤压模锻
nodular cast iron        球墨铸铁
noisy brake        制动器发响
no-loading mileage        不载货行程
nomenclature        名称
nominal diameter        公称直径
nominal stress        名义应力、公称应力
Nomogram        诺模图
non gas shielded arc welding        无气体保护电弧焊
non=ferrous metal        有色金属
non-chip finish        少无切削加工
non-circular gear        非圆齿轮
non-contact seal        非接触式密封
non-cyanide plating        无氰电镀
nonflammable paint        耐火漆
nonstandard gear        非标准齿轮
normal circular pitch        法面齿距
normal force        法向力
normal load        垂直载荷、法向载荷
normal module        法面模数
normal parameters        法面参数
normal pitch        法向齿距
normal plane        法面
normal pressure angle        法面压力角
normal stress        正应力、法向应力
normal tooth profile        法向齿廓
normal wear        正常磨损
normalizing        正火
normative document        标准文件
normative element        标准的成分
normative reference        参考标准
normative requirement        标准的要求
not up to grade, not qualified        不合格
not up to standard        不合规格
notes        说明
nugget        焊核
number of threads        蜗杆头数
number of vehicles being received from maintenance or repair        汽车维修竣工辆次
number of waves        波数
numerator        分子
nut        螺母
nylon        尼龙
O ring seal        O 形密封圈密封
object        目标
objective function        目标函数
oblique-barrel plating machine        钟形滚镀机
observed mean failure rate        平均故障率的观察值
obsolete material        良品已呆滞
occupation standard        行业标准
octane number        辛烷值
off-line vehicle        下线车
off-peak time        非高峰时间
offset        偏置式
offset circle        偏距圆
offset distance        偏 ( 心 ) 距
offset knife-edge follower        偏置尖底从动件
offset roller follower        偏置滚子从动件
offset slider-crank mechanism        偏置曲柄滑块机构
oil        机油
oil additive        机油添加剂
oil bearing        含油轴承
oil bottle        油杯
oil can        油壶
oil can        油壶
oil consumption        耗油量
oil consumption factor        耗油量系数
oil pumping        (气缸)上油
oil resistant coating        耐油涂料
oil viscosity rating        机油粘度号数(机油号数)
oil-base filler        油性腻子
oil-fired furnace        油炉
oil-immersed power transformer        油浸电力变压器
oilless bearing        无油轴承
oil-water separator        油水分离器
oily ditch seal        油沟密封
Oldham coupling        双转块机构
on schedule        正点
on schedule rate        正点率
on way location        在途仓
one-line monthly ticket        专线月票
one-liquid hardening        单液淬火
one-way section        单向行驶线段
on-hand inventory        现有库存
on-net design, OND        网上设计
OOBA        开箱检查
OOBA        开箱检查
open chain mechanism        开链机构
open forging        无型锻造
open kinematic chain        开式链
open-belt drive        开口传动
open-die forging        开式模锻
operation control device        操纵及控制装置
operation management        运营管理
operation mechanism        工作机构
operation of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护作业
operation plan        运行方案
operation procedure        作业流程
operational defect        运行缺陷
operator        作业员
operator        作业员
optimal design        优化设计
optimization of route        最优路线
optional requirement        任选要求
ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes        定轴轮系
ordinate        纵坐标
organic solvent        有机溶剂
orifie meter        孔板流量计
origin station        起点站
origin stop        始发站
original mechanism        原始机构
oscillating bar        摆杆
oscillating follower        摆动从动件
oscillating guide-bar mechanism        摆动导杆机构
oscillating rolling machine        摆动碾压机
other mechanism in common use        其他常用机构
out of control        失控
outer bearing        外轴承
outer ring        外圈
output link        输出构件
output mechanism        输出机构
output shaft        输出轴
output torque        输出力矩
output work        输出功
over discharge        (蓄电池)过度放电
overhead conveyer        悬挂运输链
overhead position welding        仰焊
overhead welder        仰焊机
overheat        过热
overheat and overcrook        过热与过燃烧
overlap contact ratio        纵向重合度
overlubrication        润滑超量
oversea location        海外仓
oxidation        氧化
oxidation        氧化
oxidation and decarbonization        氧化脱碳
oxidation inhibitor        抗氧化剂
oxidation stability and corrosiveness        氧化稳定性及腐蚀性
oxidation treatment        氧化处理
pack packing        包装
pack packing        包装
packaging        打包
packaging standard        包装标准
packaging tool        打包机
packer        打包机
packing goods        计件货物
packing material        包材
packing materials        包材
packing paper        衬垫纸
paint        油漆
paint        油漆(涂料)
paint mixing        调漆
paint mixing room        油漆调制室
paint mixing tank        油漆调制罐
paint repair        补漆
paint stripper        脱漆剂
painting factory        烤漆厂
painting factory        烤漆厂
painting make-up        补漆
painting peel off        脏污
paired mounting        成对安装
pallet        栈板
pallet        栈板
pallet        栈板
parabolic motion        抛物线运动
parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion        等加等减速运动规律
paragraph        段落
parallel combined mechanism        并联组合机构
parallel helical gears        平面轴斜齿轮
parallel key        普通平键
parallel mechanism        并联机构
parameter        参数
parameterization design, PD        参数化设计
parameters        参数
parameters for technical condition of vehicle        汽车技术状况参数
park        汽车停车场(库)
park-and-ride place        换乘停车场
parking lot        多层停车场
part        部分
part number/ P/N        料号
part number/P/N        料号
partial balance of shaking force        惯性力部分平衡
partial failure        局部故障
parts repair        零件修理
part-subassemble standard        零部件标准
passage        车内通道
passage width        车厢通道宽度
passenger        乘客
passenger belt        行人传送带
passenger chartered        包车乘客
passenger counter        乘客计数器
passenger flow        客流
passenger flow direction        客流流向
passenger flow volume        客流量
passenger origin        客源
passenger seat        乘客座椅
passenger transportation        旅客运输
passholder        持证乘客
passimeter        自动售票器
passing through type baking oven        通过式烘干室
passivating        钝化
passive degree of freedom        局部自由度
patent        专利
path generation        轨迹生成
path generator        轨迹发生器
pawl        棘爪
PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE        组装厂生产排配表
peak hour        高峰小时
peak time        高峰时间
peak-hour line        高峰线路
pealite        珠光体
pedal        踩踏板
pedal        踏板
peel rubber        轮胎急速磨损
penalty fare        罚票
penetration        渗透性
percolation        (化油器)汽湿现象
performance provision        性能规定
performance standard        性能标准
period of vehicle diagnosis        汽车诊断周期
period of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护周期
periodic maintenance        定期维护
periodic speed fluctuation        周期性速度波动
peripheral grinding        周面磨削
permissible clearance        允许间隙
permissible wear        允许磨损
personalized repair method        就车修理法
personnel resource department        人力资源部
personnel resource department        人力资源部
petroleum(crude)        石油(原油)
phase angle of unbalance        不平衡相位
phase diagram        金相图
phase regulator        调相机
phenola plastics        酚塑料
phenolic paint        酚醛漆
phenolric resin(PF)        酚醛树脂
phosphate        皮膜化成
phosphating        磷化
phosphating        磷化处理
phosphating pretreatment        磷化预处理
phosphor bronze        磷青铜
physical count quantity        帐面数量
physical inventory        盘点数量
physical vaporous deosition        物理气相沉积法
pickling        酸洗
pickling        酸洗
pickling        酸洗
pierce        剪内边
piercing die        冲孔模
pilot        导正筒
pilot bearing        导向轴承
pin        销
pinhole honer        销孔珩磨机
pinion        小齿轮
pinion and rack        齿轮齿条机构
pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter        齿轮插刀
pinion unit        齿轮传动系
pipe bending machine        弯管机
piston heater        活塞加热器
piston knock(piston slap)        活塞敲缸
piston oval -grinding mahcine        活塞椭圆磨床
piston pin superfinishing machine        活塞销超精加工机
piston ring chamfering grinding machine        活塞环倒角磨床
piston ring compressor        压环器
piston ring file        花塞环锉
piston ring plier(piston ring tongs)        活塞环钳(活塞环拆装钳)
piston ring superfinishing machine        活塞环外圆超精加工机
piston ring tool        活塞环工具
piston vice        活塞台钳
piston-pin extractor        活塞销拉器
pitch        周节
pitch circle        节圆
pitch cone        节圆锥
pitch cone angle        节圆锥角
pitch curve        理论廓线
pitch curve        凸轮理论廓线
pitch diameter        节圆直径
pitch line        节线
pitch point        节点
pitting        (疲劳)点蚀
pitting        点蚀
plain bearing (insert bearing)        滑动轴承
plain washer        平垫圈
planar cam        平面凸轮
planar cam mechanism        平面凸轮机构
planar kinematic pair        平面运动副
planar linkage        平面连杆机构
planar mechanism        平面机构
planar pair, flat pair        平面副
plane        刨
planer        刨床
planer        刨床
planet gear        行星轮
planetary differential        封闭差动轮系
planetary drive with small teeth difference        少齿差行星传动
planetary gear train        行星轮系
planetary speed changing devices        行星轮变速装置
planetary transmission        行星齿轮装置
planning department        企划部
planning department        企划部
plastic basket        胶筐
plastic parts        塑胶件
plastic parts        塑胶件
plasticine        橡皮泥
plastics        塑料
plate spring        片弹簧
platform        站台
plating and heat treatment        镀覆热处理
plating machine        电镀机
plating machine held on racks        挂式电镀机
plating tank        固定槽
plexiglass        有机玻璃
plug gap gauge        火花塞间隙量规
pneumatic mechanism        气动机构
pneumatic press        气动压力机
Pneumatic screw driver        气动起子
Pneumatic screw driver        气动起子
pocket for the punch head        挂钩槽
point welding        点焊
pointing; cusp        尖点
polar coordinate manipulator        球坐标操作器
polishing agent        抛光液
polishing paster        抛光膏
polishing/surface processing        表面处理
poly V-belt        多楔带
polyamide(PA)        聚酰胺
polycarbonate(PC)        聚碳酸酯
polyester        聚酯
polyethylene(PE)        聚乙烯
polyformaldehyde(POM)        聚甲醛
poly-line        多义线
polynomial motion        多项式运动规律
polypropylene(PP)        聚丙烯
polystyrene(PS)        聚苯乙烯
polysulfone(PSF)        聚砜
polyurethane(PU)        聚氨酯
polyvinyl chloride(PVC)        聚氯乙烯
poor incoming part        事件不良
poor processing        制造过程不良
poor staking        铆合不良
porous rubber        多孔橡胶
portable plating barrel        微型滚镀机
portable resistance welder        移动式接触焊机
portable spot welder        移动式点焊机
portable welding machine        移动式焊机
portable wheel balancer        移动式车轮平衡机
pose , position and orientation        位姿
position        职务
position        职务
positive-drive (or form-closed) cam mechanism        形封闭凸轮机构
potted component        密封元件
powder coating        粉未涂料
powder metallurgy        粉末合金
powdered bearing        粉末冶金轴承
power        功率
power button        电源按键
power button        电源按键
power collector        集电装置
power cutting        强力切削
power grinding        强力磨削
power screw        螺旋传动
power spring        涡圈形盘簧
power supply mode        供电方式
power supply zone        供电分区
power wire        电源线
power wire        电源线
precious metal        贵金属
precision work        精密加工
pre-fixed finishing date        预定完成日
preignition        早燃
preload        预紧力
prepare for, make preparations for        准备
prepared by        制表
preparing heat treatment        预备热处理
prescision drop forging        精密模锻
present members        出席人员
preserving        防护
president        董事长
president        董事长
press line        冲压线
press welder        压焊机
pressure        压力
pressure angle        压力角
pressure angle of base circle        基圆压力角
pressure angle of involute        渐开线压力角
pressure forging        热模锻
pressure plate=plate pinch        压板
pressure plate=plate pinch        压板
pressure thermit welding        加压铸焊
pressure welding        压焊
prestandard        予标准
presure gauge        轮胎压力计
prime mover        原动机
primer        头道底漆
primer mover        原动机
primer spray        喷底漆
priming        涂底漆
priming paint        底漆
prismatic joint        移动关节
prismatic pair, sliding pair        移动副
process standard        过程标准
product standard        产品标准
production capacity        生产力
production capacity        生产力
production control confirmation        生产确认
production department        生产部门
production department        生产部门
production line        流水线
production program of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护生产纲领
production program of vehicle repair        汽车维修生产纲领
production tempo        生产进度现状
production unit        生产单位
production, to produce        生产
productive resistance        生产阻力
progressive broaching        分层拉削
proposal for new field of technical activity        技术活动新领域提案
proposal improvement        提案改善
proposal improvement        提案改善
protection of environment        环境保护
protective boot        保护罩
provincial standard        地方标准
provincial standardization        地方标准化
provision        规定
public transport junction        公共交通枢纽
public transport line        公共交通线路
public transport line facilities        公共交通线路设施
public transport means        公共交通工具
public transport mode        公共交通方式
public transport network        公共交通线路网
public transport network distribution        公共交通线路布局
public transport parking place        公共交通停车场
public transport priority        公共交通优先
public transport stop(station )        公共交通车站
public transport yard and station arrangement        公共交通站场布局
public transportation means and device        公共交通工具及设备
pull-in vehicle        回场车
pull-over vehicle        出场车
pulsating stepless speed changes        脉动无级变速
punch        冲床
punch        凸模
punch machine        冲孔机
punch-die        凸凹模
punching        冲孔
punching machine        冲床
punching machine        冲床
push broaching        推削
puttying        打腻子
pyrocondensation power cable terminal        热缩式电力电缆终端头
QC        品管
QC        品管
QC        品管
QC Section        品管科
QC Section        品管科
quadrant        象限
qualified products, up-to-grade products        良品
quality        品质
quality        品质
quenching        淬火
quenching bach        淬火槽
quick-return characteristics        急回特性
quick-return mechanism        急回机构
quick-return motion        急回运动
quoted standard        引用标准
raceway        滚道
rack        齿条
rack        挂镀
rack        上料
rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter        齿条插刀
rack gear        齿条传动
radial (or in-line ) roller follower        对心滚子从动件
radial (or in-line ) translating follower        对心直动从动件
radial bearing        向心轴承
radial bearing        向心轴承
radial contact bearing        径向接触轴承
radial direction        径向
radial forging machine        径向锻造机
radial internal clearance        径向游隙
radial load        径向载荷
radial load factor        径向载荷系数
radial plane        径向平面
radial reciprocating follower        对心移动从动件
radiation cured coating (RCC)        辐射固化漆膜
radius        半径
radius of base circle        基圆半径
radius of curvature        曲率半径
radius of roller        滚子半径
rag        抹布
rail car        轨道车
rail rapid transit (RRT)        快速轨道交通
raised countersunk head screw        半沉头螺钉
ram        连杆
ratchet        棘轮
ratchet mechanism        棘轮机构
rate of utilization of trailer        拖运率
rated passenger capacity        定员
Rated Power        额定功率
Rated Voltage        额定电压
rating life        额定寿命
raw hide        生皮
raw materials        原料
reaction type brake tester        反作用力制动试验台
ream        铰孔
rear number plate        后路牌
rear plate        后板
rear plate        后板
reassembling        重新装配
receiving point for goods        货物接收点
reciprocating follower        移动从动件
reciprocating motion        往复移动
reciprocating seal        往复式密封
recirculating tank        循环槽
reclaim tank        回收槽
recommendation        建议
recommended standard        推荐性标准
reconditioning        修复
recrystallization        再结晶
recrystallizational annealing        再结晶退火
red brass        红铜
red hardness        红硬性
red lead paint        红丹漆
reduction gear        减速齿轮、减速装置
reduction ratio        减速比
redundant (or passive) constraint        虚约束
redundant degree of freedom        冗余自由度
reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle        分度圆
reference cone; standard pitch cone        分度圆锥
reference fuel        基准燃油
reference line; standard pitch line        分度线
reference material        标准物
reference to standard        引用标准
reference works        参考著作
regeneratd rubber        再生橡胶
reginal standardization organization        地区标准化组织
reginal standards organization        地区标准组织
regional standard        地区标准
regional standardization        地区标准化
regionally harmonized standard        地区协调标准
regular vehicle        线路车
regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle        汽车技术状况变化规律
regulation        法规
regulation        整顿
regulation repair        定期修理
regulator, governor        调速器
regulatory authority        制定规章的机构
relative gap        相对间隙
relative motion        相对运动
relative velocity        相对速度
relative viscosity        相对粘度
relay        继电器
reliability        可靠性
reliability design, RD        可靠性设计
relieve        铲削
remainder        留候乘客
remark        备注
rent automobile transportation        包车运输
repair        修理
repair        修理
repair size        修理尺寸
repair welding        补焊
repari on techincal condition        视情修理
repeated fluctuating load        交变载荷
repeated stress        交变应力
repeated transportation        重复运输
replacing        更换(零件)
repriod of accelerated wear        加速磨损期
request stop        招呼站
requirement        要求
reserved vehicle        备用车
reset button        重置键
reset button        重置键
residual stress        残余应力
residual stress relieving        消除内应力
resin        树脂(树胶)
resin paint        树脂漆
resinoid bond        树脂粘结剂
resist        防镀(止镀)
resistance        电阻
resistance        阻抗力
resistance furnace        电阻炉
resite        丙阶(不溶)酚醛树脂
resitol        乙阶(半溶)酚醛树脂
resol        甲阶(可溶)酚醛树脂
response=reaction=interaction        感应
responsible department        负责单位
restricking        整形
resultant bending moment        合成弯矩
resultant force        合力
resultant force        总反力
resultant moment of force        合力矩
resultant moment of inertia        惯性主矩
resultant vector of inertia        惯性主失
return        回程
returning rate of major repair of vehicle        汽车大修返修率
revenue passenger        普通乘客
reverberatory furnace        反射炉
reverse-draw        反向拉伸
reversible unit        周转总成
revision        版次
revision        版次
revolute (turning) pair        转动副
revolute joint        转动关节
revolving shaft        转轴
rewelding        返修焊
Reynolds‘s equation        雷诺方程
right triangle        直角三角形
rigid bearing        刚性轴承
rigid circular spline        刚轮
rigid coupling        刚性联轴器
rigid impulse (shock)        刚性冲击
rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe        硬质聚氯乙烯管
rigid rotor        刚性转子
rimmed steel        沸腾钢(不脱氧钢)
ring finger        无名指
ring gear        内齿圈
ring spanner        花扳手
rinse        水洗
rinse        水洗
ripple        焊波
rise        升程
rise        推程
rivet        铆钉
Rivet gun        拉钉枪
Rivet gun        拉钉枪
Rivet table        拉钉机
Rivet table        拉钉机
robot        机器人
robot        机械手
robot        机械手
robotics        机器人学
robust design        稳健设计
rocker        摇杆
roll forging        辊锻
roll forging machine        辊锻机
roll material        卷料
roll spot welding        滚点焊
roller        滚子
roller bearing        滚子轴承
roller bearing        滚子轴承
roller chain        滚子链
roller clutch        滚柱式单向超越离合器
roller follower        滚子从动件
roller hearth oven        滚式炉
roller shearing machine        滚剪机
roller type dynamometer (test bed0        滚筒式测功试验台
roll-forming        滚挤
rolling bearing        滚动轴承
rolling bearing identification code        滚动轴承代号
rolling element        滚动体
rolling finishing        滚压光加工
rolling press        辊压机
roll-type sheet bending machine        滚式弯板机
roof light        车厢顶灯
root of weld        焊根
rotary motion        旋转运动
rotating seal        旋转式密封
rotating speed, revolution        转速
rotor        转子
rotor with several masses        多质量转子
rough felt        粗毛毡
rough machining        粗加工
rough running        工作粗暴
rough wool        粗羊毛
round about transportation        迂回运输
round belt        圆带
round belt drive        圆带传动
round nut with drilled holes in side        圆周钻孔圆头螺母
round pierce punch=die button        圆冲子
round steel        圆钢
round-trip ticket        往返票
route-list        路单
rubber        橡胶
rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling        弹性套柱销联轴器
rubberized cloth        胶布
rules for adopting international standard        采用国际标准原则
run way        飞车
running        运行
running chart        运行图
running hot        早点
running -in maintenance        走合维护
running -in process        走(磨)合过程
running mode        行车方式
running torque        旋转力矩
running-in        走合、磨合
running-in conditions        走(磨)合工况
running-in period        走(磨)合期
rust        生锈
rust-preventing coating        防锈涂料
safe load        安全载荷
safety        安全
safety factor; factor of safety        安全系数
safety standard        安全标准
sand blast cleaning        喷丸清理
sand blasting        喷沙
sand blasting machine        喷砂机
sand throwing machine        抛砂机
sander        喷沙机
satin texture        段面咬花
scale        比例尺
scheduled repair        计划修理
sclerometer        硬度计(回跳,肖氏)
scope of standard        标准的范围
score=groove        压线
scoring        刮伤
scoring        胶合
scrape        刮;削
scrape        刮;削
scraped        报废
scraped |'skræpid|        报废
scraped products        报放心品
scraping        刮边
scrapping        报废
scratch        刮伤
scratch        刮伤
scratch        划伤
scratching        擦伤
screw        螺钉
screw        螺杆
Screw driver        起子
Screw driver        起子
screw efficiency        螺纹效率
screw jack        螺旋千斤顶
screw mechanism        螺旋机构
screw nut        螺母
screwdriver        螺丝刀
screwdriver holder        起子插座
screws        螺钉
scuff        刮伤
scuff sand booth        打磨间
seal        封孔
seal        密封
seal belt        密封带
seal coat        封底漆
seal gum        密封胶
sealed bearing        密封式轴承
sealing arrangement        密封装置
sealing run        封底焊道
seam        焊缝
seam welder        缝焊机
seam welding        缝焊
seam welding        滚焊
seasonal maintenance        季节性维护
seat spacing        座位间距
seating capacity        座位数
second coat        二道漆
secondary wire crossfiring        高压线跳火错乱
section        截面
section        章节
section line        段管线
section supervisor        课长
section supervisor        课长
sectional fare        分段票制
sectional plan        行业计划
segregation        离析性
seizure        咬粘
selective oil        选择精制油
self tempering        自身回火
self-aligning ball bearing        调心球轴承
self-aligning bearing        调心轴承
self-aligning roller bearing        调心滚子轴承
self-locking        自锁
self-lubricant bearing alloy        含油轴承合金
semi-automatic machine tool for correcting weight of piston        校正活塞重量半自动机床
semi-finished product        半成品
semi-finished product standard        半成品标准
separating        拆开
serial number        序号
series combined mechanism        串联式组合机构
series spot welding        单边多点点焊
series welding        单边多电极焊
serration spline        三角形花键
service cycle        保养里程
service door        车门
service monthly ticket        公用月票
service standard        服务标准
service table        服务台
set screw        止付螺丝
shaft        轴
shaft angle        轴角
shaft collar        轴环
shaft end ring        轴端挡圈
shaft furnace        井式炉
shaft shoulder        轴肩
shaking couple        振动力矩
shank        摸柄
shape punch=die insert        异形子
shaper        牛头刨床
shaper        牛头刨床
shaping (planing)        刨削
shearing machine        剪床
shear-speed gear cutting        成型插齿
sheet flattening machine        板料校平机
sheet metal parts        冲件
sheet metal parts        冲件
sheet stamping        板料冲压
sheet stock        片料
shellac        虫胶
shim(wedge)        楔子
shine        亮班
shockproof device        防振装置
shock-resistant complex steel sheet        减震复合钢板
shocks; shock-absorber        缓冲装置
shore hardness tester        肖氏硬度计
short        射料不足
shot blast chamber        喷丸室
shot blasting        喷丸处理
shpheroidizing annealing        球化退火
shrinking/shrinkage        缩水
shut die        架模
shut height of a die        架模高度
side number plate        侧路牌
side platform        侧式站台
side-slip checking stand        侧滑试验台
siding        站线
siemens-martin steel        平炉钢
signal screen        信号屏
silent chain        齿形链、无声链
silica gel        (氧化)硅胶
silico-manganese bronze        硅锰青铜
silicon brass        硅黄铜
silicon bronze        硅青铜
silumin        铝硅合金
simple harmonic motion        简谐运动
sine generator, scotch yoke        正弦机构
single bus        单车
single busbar        单母线
single operator welding machine        单站弧焊机
single row bearing        单列轴承
single universal joint        单万向联轴节
single-direction thrust bearing        单向推力轴承
single-J groove        单J 形坡口
single-layer welding        单层焊
single-pass welding        单道焊
single-row ball bearing        单列滚珠轴承
single-side cutting method        单面切削法
single-U groove        单U 形坡口
singular position        奇异位置
sintered alloy        烧结合金
sintered metal        烧结合金
six-bar linkage        六杆机构
skid/pallet        栈板
skinning        结皮现象
skip welding        跳焊
slack-side        松边
sleeve        套筒
slider        滑块
slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism        曲柄滑块机构
sliding bearing        滑动轴承
sliding rack        滑料架
sliding ratio        滑动率
sling        吊具
slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread        滑手
slipped screwhead/slippery screw head        螺丝滑头
slipping        打滑
slotted cheese-head screw        开槽圆柱头螺钉
slotted nut        开槽螺母
slotted round head screw        开槽圆头螺钉
slotted round nut        开槽圆头螺母
slotting        插削
slotting die        切槽模
slotting machine        插床
slug hole        废料孔
socket        插座
sodium butadiene rubber        钠-丁二烯橡胶
sodium silicate        水玻璃
soft rubber        软橡胶
solid lubricant        固体润滑剂
solvent        溶剂
SOP        制造作业程序
SOP        制造作业程序
sorbite        索氏体
sorted unloading        分级卸载
spacewidth        齿槽宽
spare molds location        模具备品仓
spare parts physical inventory list        备品盘点清单
spare parts=buffer        备件
spare parts=buffer        备件
spare parts=buffer        备品
spark knock        火花(点火)爆燃
spark plug box(socket)spanner        火花塞套筒扳手
spatial cam        空间凸轮机构
spatial kinematic chain        空间运动链
spatial kinematic pair        空间运动副
spatial linkage        空间连杆机构
spatial mechanism        空间机构
special assistant manager        特别助理
special assistant manager        特助
special coating        特种涂料
special fixture for comrehensive detection of crankshaft        曲轴综合检验专用夹具
special fixure for comprehensive detection of connecting rod        连杆综合检验专用夹具
special kinematic chain        特殊运动链
special line        特别用途线
special vehicle        专线车
specialized standard        专业标准
specific heat capacity        比热容
speck        瑕疵
speckle        斑点
speed change        变速
speed control system        调速系统
speed fluctuation        速度波动
speed governing        调速
speed governor        调速器
speed reducer        减速器
speed-changing gear boxes        齿轮变速箱
speedmuller        摆轮式混砂机
spermaceti        鲸蜡
sphere-pin pair        球销副
spheric pair        球面副
spherical involute        球面渐开线
spherical motion        球面运动
spindle        心轴
spiral bevel gear        曲齿锥齿轮
spiral seal        螺旋密封
spiral spring        螺旋形弹簧
splay        银纹
spline        花键
spline shaft cold-striking machine        花键轴冷打机床
spline shaft grinding machine        花键磨床
spline shaft milling mahcine        花键轴铣床
spline=the multiple keys        花键
splining        花键加工
spongy brake pedal        制动踏板发软
spongy rubber        海棉橡皮
spontaneous ignition        燃点
sporadic freight transportation        零担运输
spot welding head        点焊钳
spotting out        出斑点
spray booth of side exhaust        侧抽风喷漆室
spray gun        喷枪
spraying        喷涂
spraying hardening        喷雾淬火
spread -blade cutting method        双面切削法
spring        弹簧
spring washer        弹簧垫圈
spring-box eject-plate        弹簧箱顶板
sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel        链轮
spur gear        直齿圆柱齿轮
sputter        喷镀
square collar-head bolt        方头凸缘螺栓
square collar-head set-bolt        方头凸缘端紧定螺栓
square nut        方螺母
square taper washer        方斜垫圈
square threaded form        矩形螺纹
squarehead bolt        方头螺栓
square-head set-bolt        方头紧定螺栓
square-jaw positive-contact clutch        矩形牙嵌式离合器
square-socket set-screw        内方头紧定螺钉
stabilization treatment        稳定化处理
stack mounting        组合安装
stage die        工程模
stainless steel        不锈钢
stainless steel sheet        不锈(耐热)钢板
staker=reviting machine        铆合机
staker=reviting machine        铆合机
stalagmometer        滴重计
stamping        冲压
stamping        冲压
stamping factory        冲压厂
stamping factory        冲压厂
stamping-missing        漏冲
stamping-missing        漏冲
standard        标准
standard carrying out        标准贯彻
standard for classified code of information        信息分类编码标准
standard for commnet        标准征求意见稿
standard gear        标准齿轮
standard information        标准情报
standard information management        标准情报管理
standard information retrieval        标准情报检索
standard information work in enterprise        企业标准化情报工作
standard law        标准法
standard learning        标准学
standard materials for approval        标准报批材料
standard of mark        标志标准
standard on data to be provided        有关应提供数据的标准
standard part        标准件
standard parts        标准件
standard program        标准程序
standard spur gear        标准直齿轮
standardization        标准化
standardizing body        标准化机构
standards body        标准机构
standards system        标准体系
standing area        车厢站立面积
standrds system table        标准体系表
starting crank        起动摇把
starting period        起动阶段
starting torque        启动力矩
state of the art        技术发展水平
statement        陈述
static balance        静平衡
static equivalent axial load        轴向当量静载荷
static equivalent radial load        径向当量静载荷
static force        静力
static load        静载荷
static seal        静密封
stay botl        支撑螺栓
steady motion period        稳定运转阶段
steam hammer        汽锤
steam power forging press        汽力锻压机
steam treatment        蒸气处理
steel plate        钢板
steel structure bracket tubing        钢结构支架配管
steel Tray-type cable support system        钢制托盘式桥架
steering kickback        转向反冲
steering wheel freeplay gauge        转向盘间隙测量仪
step        踏板
step pulley        塔轮
step spacing        踏板级间高度
stepless speed changes devices        无级变速装置
stiffness coefficient        刚度系数
stitch welding        自动点焊
sto name        站名
stock age analysis sheet        库存货龄分析表
stock cutting        下料
stock locater block        定位块
stop board        站牌
stop number        站号
stop pin        定位销
stop(station )        中途站
stop/switch off a press        关机
stopper        阻挡器
stopping phase        停车阶段
straight bevel gear        直齿锥齿轮
straight bevel gear broaching machine        直齿锥齿轮拉齿机
straight bevel gear generator        直齿锥齿轮刨齿机
straight shaft        直轴
straight sided normal worm        法向直廓蜗杆
straightener        校直机
straightening        校正
straight-line plating machine        直线式电镀机
strain        应变
stress amplitude        应力幅
stress concentration        应力集中
stress diagram        应力图
stress-strain diagram        应力 — 应变图
striking        预镀(冲镀)
stripper        退料板
stripping        退镀
structrue tranformation        组织转变
structural design        结构设计
structure        结构
structure of standards sytem        标准体系表的构成
stud        螺柱
student monthly ticket        学生月票
studs        双头螺柱
styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR)        苯乙烯聚丁橡胶
subclause        分条款
subdivision        分单元
subject        主题
subject indexing method        主题法
subject of standardization        标准化主题
sub-line        支线
sub-line        支线
sub-mechanism        子机构
subroutine        子程序
suburban line        郊区线路
suburban monthly ticket        郊区月票
suburban passenger flow        郊区客流
suburban transportatiojn        郊区运输
subway        地铁
subway train        地下铁道列车
sulfuric acid        硫酸
sulphation        (蓄电池)硫化
sulphurizing        硫化
summer check-up        夏季保养
sump        油槽
sun gear        太阳轮
sunk key        嵌入键
superduralumin        超硬铝
superficial mass factor        表面质量系数
superfinishing        超精加工
superfinishing        超精加工
supervisor        课长
supervisor        课长
supplementary element        附加成分
supply arm        供电臂
surface coefficient of heat transfer        表面传热系数
surface milling        平面铣削
surface polishing        表面抛光
surface roughness        表面粗糙度
surfacing electrode        堆焊焊条
surfactant        表面活性剂
sweeper        扫把
switchboard        配电盘
switching mileage        调空行程
swiveling speed rotating speed        转速
symbol and number of standard        标准代号与编号
symmetry circulating stress        对称循环应力
symptom of vehicle failure        汽车故障现象
synchronization control        同步控制
synchronous belt        同步带
synchronous belt drive        同步带传动
synthesis of mechanism        机构综合
synthetic resin        合成树脂
synthetic rubber(elastomer)        合成橡胶
system of vehicle maintenance and repair        汽车维护制度
T joint        T 形接头
tab washer        止动垫圈
tack welding        定位焊
tangent mechanism        正切机构
tangential shaving        切向剃齿法
taper key        斜键、钩头楔键
tapered roller        圆锥滚子
tapered roller bearing        圆锥滚子轴承
tappet noise (valve knock)        气门挺杆发响
tappet wrench        调整气门间隙扳手
tarnishing        变色
taxi        出租汽车
taxi meter        车用计费器
taxi sign        出租汽车标志
taxi statio        出租汽车站
technical and economic evaluation        技术经济评价
technical checking        技术检验
technical condition of vehicle        汽车技术状况
technical descriptioon        技术说明
technical drawing        技术图纸
technical guidance document        指导性技术文件
technical regulation        技术法规
technical report        技术报告
technical service        技术保养
technical service        渗碳箱
technical specification        技术规范
technical standard        技术标准
technical standard of vehicle repair        汽车维修技术标准
technical trend document        技术趋向文件
technique process        技术过程
technique system        技术系统
technological design        工艺设计
technological equipment of vehicle maintenace and repair        汽车维修工艺设备
technological process of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护工艺
technological process of vehicle maintenance        汽车维护工艺过程
technological process of vehicle repair        汽车修理工艺过程
technology of vehicle repair        汽车修理工艺
temper brittleness        回火脆性
tempering        回火
template-type axy-cutting machine        仿型氧气切割机
temporary line        临时线路
tension        张紧力
tension pulley        张紧轮
terminal        终点站
terminology standard        术语标准
test standard        试验标准
testing standard        测试标准
the environment protection law of the people's republic of china        中华人民共和国环境保护法
the standardization law of the people's republic of china        中华人民共和国标准化法
T-head bolt        T 形螺栓
theoretical line of action        理论啮合线
theory of constitution        组成原理
theory of machines and mechanisms        机械原理
Thermal Detector        感温探测器
thermic wear        热磨损
thermocouple        热电偶
thermoplastic plastics        热塑塑料
thermosetting plastics        热固性塑料
thesaurus        叙词表(主题词表)
thickener        稠化剂
thickness gauge        厚薄规
thickness gauge        厚薄规
thickness gauge        厚度计
thickness on pitch circle        节圆齿厚
thin amorphous phosphating        薄膜磷化处理
thread (of a screw)        螺纹
thread chaing        套丝
thread grinding        螺纹磨
thread grinding machine        螺纹磨床
thread milling        螺纹铣
thread milling mahcine        螺纹铣床
thread pitch        螺距
thread roller        滚丝机
thread rolling        滚丝
thread rolling machine        搓丝机
thread tapping        攻丝
threading        穿线
threading machine        攻丝机
three phase low frequency        三相低频焊机
three phase rectifier welder        三相整流焊机
three-dimensional cam        三维凸轮
three-stage cleaning machine        三室清洗机
through vehicle        直达车
through-hole form        通孔形式
thrust ball bearing        推力滚珠轴承
thrust ball bearing        推力球轴承
thrust baring        推力轴承
thrust bearing        推力轴承
thrust washer        推力垫圈
thumb        大拇指
thumb screw        大头螺丝
thumb screw        大头螺丝
Tiana        天那水
Tiana        天那水
ticket        车票
ticket book        本票
ticket business        票务
ticket checking        查票
ticket entrance        检票口
ticket exit        验票口
ticket validity time        车票有效期
TIG spot welding        TIG 点焊
tight-side        紧边
tight-up V belt        联组 V 带
time fare system        计时票制
timed stop        定时车站
timetable        行车时刻表
tin-base bearing        锡基合金轴承
tin-base bearing alloy        锡基轴承合金
tire pump        打气筒
tire-lever        拆装轮胎用撬杠
titanium bronze        钛青铜
title page        封面(名称页)
titrator        滴定仪
to apply oil        擦油
to apply oil        擦油
to be inspected or reworked        待验或重工
to clean a table        擦桌子
to clean the floor        扫地
to compress, compressing        压缩
to connect material        接料
to connect material        接料
to feed, feeding        送料
to file burr        锉毛刺
to file burr        锉毛刺
to fix a die        装模
to impose lines        压线
to load material        上料
to load material        上料
to mop the floor        拖地
to move, to carry, to handle        搬运
to move, to carry, to handle        搬运
to pull and stretch        拉深
to put material in place, to cut material, to input        落料
to repair a die        修模
to return material/stock to        退料
to return material/stock to        退料
to reverse material        翻料
to reverse material        翻料
to revise, modify        修订
to stake, staking, reviting        铆合
to start a press        开机
to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over        切换
to take apart a die        拆模
to unload material        卸料
to unload material        卸料
toe-in gauge        前束量尺
toggle mechanism        肘形机构
token        代用币
tolerance        工差
tombac        顿巴黄铜
tool bag        工具袋
tool standard        工装标准
tool withdrawal groove        退刀槽
tooth curve        齿廓曲线
tooth number        齿数
tooth profile        齿廓
tooth ratchet mechanism        齿式棘轮机构
tooth space        齿槽
tooth thickness        齿厚
top swage        上锤头
topcoating        喷面漆
torch-flame cut        火焰切割
toroid helicoids worm        环面蜗杆
torque        扭矩
torsion stress        扭转应力
total        合计
total contact ratio        总重合度
toughness        韧度
touring bus        旅游车
touring line        游览线路
tox machine        自铆机
tractive power supply system        牵引供电系统
trailer=long vehicle        拖板车
trailer=long vehicle        拖板车
trailing frog        并线器
train        列车
tram        有轨电车
transfer passenger        换乘乘客
transfer stop        换乘站
transformer        互感器
transit goods        过境货物
trans-line bus        跨线车
transmission angle        传动角
transmission ratio, speed ratio        传动比
transmission shaft        传动轴
transport mileage        运输里程
transport service(carrying trade)        运输业
transportatin cycle        运次
transportation        运输
transportation base        运输基地
transportation cost        运输费用
transportation management        汽车运输管理
transportation network        运输网络
transportation of truck-load        整车运输
transportation on schedule        定时运输
transportation system        运输系统
transportation volume        运输量
transportation with dumping trailers        甩挂运输
transverse circular pitch        端面齿距
transverse contact ratio        端面重合度
transverse module        端面模数
transverse parameters        端面参数
transverse plane        端面
transverse pressure angle        端面压力角
transverse tooth profile        端面齿廓
tree building method        建树法(网络分析法应用例)
tribology design, TD        摩擦学设计
trim        剪外边
trim        切边
trimming        切边
trimming die        修边模
trimming press        切边压力机
trip(one way)        车次(单程)
triple-action press        三动压机
trolley        台车
trolley        台车
trolley bus        无轨电车
trolly wire network        触线网
troostite        屈氏体
truck-loading furnace        台车式炉
truck-road transportation        干线汽车运输
trued        整径
tufftride        软氮化
tumbling        滚光
tune-up tester        调整用的试验检测仪
tungsten high speed steel        钨高速钢
tungsten inert gas (TIG) arc welding        TIG 保护焊
turbidity        混浊度
turn        车削
turn line        折返线
turning        盘车
turntable molding machine        转台造型机
turret-type punch press        转塔式冲床
twin arc welding        双弧焊
twin electrode        双芯焊条
twisting die        扭弯模
twisting die        扭弯模
twisting-forming die        扭弯成形模
two-dimensional cam        两维凸轮
two-lap lapping machine        双盘研磨机
two-liquid hardening        双液淬火
type        标准类型
type        形态
type selection        选型
U-bolt        U 形螺栓
ultrafiltration device        超滤装置
ultrasonic cleaning        超声波清洗
ultrasonic cleaning tank        超声波去油槽
ultrasonic inspection        超声波探伤
ultrasonic machining        超声波加工
uncoiler and straightener        整平机
uncoiler and straightener        整平机
undated reference (to standards)        不注明日期的引用(标准)
under cut=scrap chopper        清角
under -inflation        充气不足
undercut        咬边
undercutting        根切
undercutting        过度切割
undercutting        运动失真
underground line        地下线路
underwater welding        水下焊接
Unfold Install        明装
unified standard        统一标准
uniform motion; constant velocity motion        等速运动规律
unilaterally alighned standard        单边看齐标准
unionmelt welding        埋弧自动焊
unit exchange repairing method        总成互换修理法
unit price        单价
unit repair        总成修理
unit repair plant for vehicle        汽车总成修理厂
unit vector        单位矢量
universal hydraulic machine        万能液压机
universal milling machine        万能铣床
universal seam welder        万能滚焊机
unleaded gasoline        无铅汽油
unreel        开卷
unscheduled repair        非计划修理
upper die        上模
upset forging        镦锻
upsetting forging press        镦锻机
urban line        市区线路
urban passenger flow        城市客流
urban public transport        城市公共交通
urban public transport fare structure        城市公共交通票价制
urban public transport passenger fow forecast        城市公共交通客流预测
urban public transport passenger fow survey        城市公共交通客流调查
urban public transport planning        城市公共交通规划
urban public transport scheduling        城市公共交通运行调度
urban public transport sign        城市公共交通标志
urban public transport system        城市公共交通系统
useful resistance        有益阻力
useless resistance        有害阻力
UV curing        紫外线固化
V belt        V 带
V thread screw        三角形螺纹
vacuum carburizing        真空渗碳
vacuum furnace        真空炉
vacuum heat treatment        真空热处理
valid period of standard        标准龄期
valve grinding machine        气门研磨机
valve grinding tool ( valve lapper)        气门研磨工具
valve refacer        气门面磨光机
valve reseater        气门修整机
valve seat cutter        气门座刀具
valve seat lapping machine        气门座研磨机
valve spring compressor        气门弹簧压缩器
valve spring surge        汽门弹簧颤动
vapor degreasing        蒸气脱脂
vapor lock        (燃气系)气阻
vapor plating        气相电镀
variable voltage control        调压调速
varnish        清漆
vaseline        凡士林
vector        矢量
vehicle broadcaster        车用播音机
vehicle D.C kilowatt-hour meter        车用直流电度表
vehicle diagnosis        汽车诊断
vehicle diagnostic station        汽车诊断站
vehicle during the peak period        高峰车
vehicle failure        汽车故障
vehicle maintenance        汽车维护
vehicle microphone        车用扩音机
vehicle of auto-transportation        汽车运输车辆
vehicle repair        汽车修理
vehicle repair plant        汽车修理厂
vehicle ton(seat )production        车吨(客)位产量
vehicle wear-out        汽车耗损
velocity        速度
velocity        速度
velocity diagram        速度曲线
ventilator        车顶通风窗
versatile U-steel        万用槽钢
vertical double-apron external broaching machine        立式双溜板外拉床
vertical down welding        向下立焊
vertical position of welding        立焊
vertical -spindle double ended grinding mahcine for piston ring        活塞环立轴双端面磨床
vertical transit system        垂直运输系统
vertical up welding        向上立焊
vibration        振动
vice        台钳、虎钳
vinyl resin paint        乙烯基树脂漆
vinylene chloride plastics        聚氯乙烯塑料
violated passenger        违章乘客
virgin material        纯料
virtual reality        虚拟现实
virtual reality design, VRD        虚拟现实设计
virtual reality technology, VRT        虚拟现实技术
viscosimetr        粘度计
viscosity        能量指示图
viscosity        涂料粘度
viscosity index        粘度指数
volatile        挥发性
volatility        挥发性
voller pin formality        滚针形式
Voltage switch of SPS        电源电压接拉键
Voltage switch of SPS        电源电压接拉键
volumetric fuel meter        容积式油耗计
voyage        运程
vulcanized rubber        硫化橡胶
waiting room        售票厅
warehouse/hub        仓库
warm rinse tank        温水槽
wash solution        清洗剂
washer        垫圈
washing        清洗
waste        废料
water base filler        水性腻子
water borne coating        水性涂料
water cooled cupola        水冷冲天炉
water paint        水胶涂料
water press        水压机
water spots        水渍
water to carbide generator        注水式乙炔发生器
water vapor arc welding        水蒸气保护电弧焊
water wash spray booth        水过滤式喷漆室
wave generator        波发生器
wax        蜡
wear of vehicle part        汽车零件磨损
wear process        磨损过程
wear rate        磨损率
wear resistance        耐磨性
wear resisting cast rion        耐磨铸铁
weathering        老化
wedge cam        移动凸轮
weight sets        权重集
weighting efficient        加权系数
weld defects        焊接缺陷
weld from both sides        双面焊
welder        电焊机
welder        电焊机
welder with taps        抽头式焊机
welding        焊接
welding by one side        单面焊
welding galss        焊工用玻璃
welding goggles        焊工用护目镜
welding procedure        焊接工艺
wet station        沾湿台
wet station        沾湿台
wet-to-wet        湿碰湿
wheel balancer        固定式车轮平衡机
wheel wrench        车轮拆卸器
wheel wrench        轮胎螺栓扳手
whirl wind cutting thread        旋风切削螺纹
whirl-wind type crankshaft milling machine        旋风式曲轴铣床
white cast iron        白口铸铁
white lead paint        铅白漆
white metal        白合金
white zinc paint        锌白漆
whiten        漂白
whitworth mechanism        转动导杆机构
whole depth        全齿高
whole set of distribution box        成套配电箱
wide abrasive wheel cylindrical grinding machine        宽砂轮外圆磨床
width and format of standard        标准的幅面及格式
width of flat-face        从动件平底宽度
width series        宽度系列
window        车窗
wing nut        翼形螺母
winter check-up        冬季保养
wire EDM        线割
wire soft shaft        钢丝软轴
withdrawing        拆下
witness line        证示线
wood pulp        木纤维
woodruff key        半圆键
wood's metal        伍德合金
work        功
work cell        工作间
work cell        工作间
work order        工令
work procedure for adopting international standards        采用国际标准工作程序
working ability of vehicle        汽车工作能力
working cycle diagram        工作循环图
working document        工作文件
working draft        工作草案
working pressure angle        啮合角
working space        工作空间
working stress        工作应力
worktable         工作桌
worktable        工作桌
world standard day        世界标准日
worm        蜗杆
worm and worm gear        蜗杆蜗轮机构
worm cam interval mechanism        蜗杆形凸轮步进机构
worm gear        蜗轮
worm gearing        蜗杆传动机构
worm grinding machine        蜗杆磨床
wove paper        布纹纸
wrench        扳手
wrinkling        起皱
wrist        腕部
wrong part        错件
wrought aluminium alloy        形变铝合金
wrought brass        熟黄铜
wrought bronze        熟青铜
y alloy        Y 合金
year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet        年终盘点差异分析表
Y-slit crack test        Y 形坡口裂缝试验
zero fare        免费乘车
zinc alloy        锌合金
zinc alloy ingots        锌合金锭
zinc-plating tank        镀锌槽
zirconium bronze        锆青铜
防水插座        waterproof socket
