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2018/8/14 10:00:00



Campaigning is under way after the British House of Commons on Wednesday approved Prime Minister Theresa May's call for an early general election.
  May explained the reasons for that decision: The country is coming together, but Westminster is not. In recent weeks Labour has threatened to vote against the deal we reach with the European Union. The Liberal Democrats have said they want to grind the business of government to a standsill.The Scottish National Party say they will vote against the legislation that formally repeals Britain's membership of the European Union. And unelected members of the House of Lords have vowed to fight us every step of the way.
  Our opponents believe that because the Government's majority is so small, our resolve will weaken and that they can force us to change course. They are wrong. They under-estimate our determination to get the job done and I am not prepared to let them endanger the security of millions of working people across the country.
  文中的early/snap general election就是“提前大选”的意思,其中snap意为“突然的”。19日,英国下议院(the House of Commons)以522票赞成、13票反对(522 votes in favor and 13 against)的压倒性多数通过了提前大选的动议(approve the motion for an early election by an overwhelming majority)。
  第三段中,under-estimate意为“低估,小瞧”,例如:They underestimated the enemy's strength. 他们低估了敌人的力量。
  Economists also study how people interact with one another.
  [ 参考答案:经济学家也研究人们之间的相互影响。 ]
