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2018/8/5 14:36:00




1. Possessive apostrophes名词所有格符号


Let’s start simple. For a singular noun, such as dog, you add an apostrophe plus s to the end: The dog’s collar was covered in mud.


For a plural noun, such as elephants, you add an apostrophe to the end: The elephants’ parade was stoped by rain.


2. Semicolons 分号

The central task of the semicolon is to mark a break that is stronger than a comma but not as final as a period or full stop. That sounds easy enough, but it can be hard to tell when you should be linking two clauses with a semicolon rather than simply separating them into two sentences.


3. Colons冒号

The best way to differentiate the colon from the semicolon is that where the semicolon provides a strong division in a sentence, the colon provides a sense of forward motion.


There are three main uses of the colon:

4. Hyphens连字符

The principal purpose of the hyphen is linking words and parts of words. This means that it appears in a wide variety of situations, linking all types of words. Rather than pick out all of the possible appearances of the hyphen in everyday writing, we will focus on one that people frequently get wrong: compound adjectives.


5. Dashes破折号

The hyphen’s slightly longer cousin, the dash is another popular punctuation mark that not everyone is sure how to use.


In formal writing, the dash is used to mark off information or ideas that are not essential to an understanding of the rest of the sentence. For example, you might see: Once I have a free afternoon — I’ve been quite busy — I will meet you for lunch.

在正式的写作中,破折号用来划分信息和意见,而这些信息和意见对于理解句子不是很重要。例如,一旦我下午有时间—我一直很忙— 我就会和你吃午饭。

Even though dashes are common in informal writing, such as personal emails or blogs, it’s best to use them sparingly when writing formally.

