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2018/5/9 14:54:00


Researchers with cybersecurity firm Trend Micro have uncovered a malicious extension in Google’s Chrome web browser that uses a multitude of methods to steal and mine cryptocurrency from infected users.

网络安全公司趋势科技(Trend Micro)的研究人员在谷歌Chrome浏览器中发现了一个恶意扩展程序,它使用多种方法从受感染的用户那里窃取和挖掘加密货币。

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The malware, which Trend Micro calls “FacexWorm”, makes its way onto a victim’s browser via social engineering tactics conducted through Facebook Messenger. A target would receive a link leading to a fake YouTube page that would prompt the user to install an extension in order to play the video. Once the extension is installed, it’s programmed to hijack users’ Facebook accounts and spread the link throughout their friends list.
趋势科技称为“FacexWorm”的恶意软件通过Facebook Messenger进行的社交工程策略侵入受害者的浏览器。一个目标会收到一个链接,弹出一个虚假的YouTube页面,提示用户安装扩展程序以播放视频。一旦安装了扩展程序,它就会被编程为劫持用户的Facebook账号并将其链接传播到他们的朋友列表中。

FacexWorm appears to be a Swiss Army knife of cryptocurrency-oriented malware. According to Trend Micro, the malicious extension has various capabilities:

If an infected user tries logs into Google, MyMonero or Coinhive, FacexWorm will intercept the credentials.



When a victim tries to go to a specified set of cryptocurrency trading platforms, they get redirected to a scam site that requests a small amount of Ether, ostensibly for verification purposes.

If FacexWorm detects that a user is on a cryptocurrency transaction page, the extension replaces the wallet address entered by the user with another one from the attacker. Trend Micro says currencies targeted include bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Ripple, Litecoin, Zcash and Monero.
如果FacexWorm检测到用户处于加密货币交易页面,则扩展程序将用户输入的钱包地址替换为攻击者的另一个地址。趋势科技表示,目标货币包括比特币、比特币黄金、比特币现金、Dash,以太币,Ethereum Classic、瑞波币,莱特币,Zcash和Monero。

Trying to go to certain websites will redirect a victim to a referral link that rewards the attacker.

And, of course, FacexWorm has a cryptojacking component, using the victim’s processor to mine for cryptocurrency.

If an affected user appears to be trying to remove the malicious plugin, it has ways of stopping them, Trend Micro says. If a user tries opening Chrome’s extension management page, the malware will simply close the tab.

Trend Micro says it’s only discovered one instance in which FacexWorm compromised a bitcoin transaction, according to the attacker’s digital wallet address, but that that there’s no way to tell for sure how much the attackers have actually profited.

The attacker is persistently trying to upload more FacexWorm-infected extensions to the Chrome Web Store, the researchers say, but Google is proactively removing them. Trend Micro says Facebook, with which it has a partnership, has automated measures that detect the bad links and block their spread.
