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2018/5/3 9:48:00




单交种 single cross hybrid 

食用向日葵新品种“龙食葵 2 号” Breeding and Culture Technics of New Variety LongshikuiNo.2 in Food Sunflower 

2005 年长江流域棉花新品种生产试验评价 Evaluation on Cotton New Varieties Production Test of Changjiang River Valley in 2005 Years 

对西宁地区引进的樱桃番茄品种:爱心、台湾圣女、黄珍珠、黄洋梨、克隆莓、DRC 一 148,从品种的茎粗、株高、果实性状、产量及抗病性方面进行比较试验。结果表明: DRC 一 148 和爱心为西宁地区保护地栽培的适宜品种 

Abstract:6 cherry tomato varie6es(Akin,Taiwan Shengntl,Huangzhenzhu,H,Kel0n i,DRC 一148)in area were compared according to their horticultural characters,fruit character,high yield,anti—disease.The results showed that DRC一148 and Aixin is better than others in simple fruit heavy, stem diameter, yield, deformity finit, anti—disease. DRC一148 and Akin is suitable for protected cultivation varieties in area 

主要农艺性状 main agronomic characters 

2004年全国南方区花生新品种区域试验 The National Peanut Variety Regional Trail in Southern China in 2004 

单株产量 yield per plant 

材料 materials 

参试品种丰产性及适应性 Fertility and adaptability of tested varieties 

马铃薯参试材料及来源  test materials 

(Faculty of Agronomy and Bioteehnology, Y A U, Kunming 650201, China) 

结果表明  The results showed that 

筛选试验 screening test (Screening Test of) 

显著性差异  (significance level) 

杂交玉米新品种鄂玉 9 号的选 育及应用

Breeding and application of hybrid maize variety E-Yu No.9  

粮饲青贮 兼用型杂交玉米新品种渝单七号的选育 

Breeding of a new dual-purpose grain and silage hybrid maize variety Yudan No.7  

杂交玉米新 品种毕玉 4 号高产栽培技术模式研究

 The Cultivation Model for High-yielding of Biyu 4,a New Hybrid Maize Variety  
